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GRECO publishes second 5th round compliance report for the UK

The report focuses on prevention of corruption amongst Top Executive Functions of Govt and Law Enforcement Agencies in the UK. It  concludes that the UK has now implemented satisfactorily or dealt satisfactorily with 7 of the 12 recommendations; 4 remain partly…

APGML publishes typologies report on money laundering associated with tax crimes

The findings in this report are based upon three major inputs. Firstly, the project team undertook a review of existing literature. Secondly, APG members completed a comprehensive questionnaire outlining their jurisdiction’s existing knowledge and systems used to combat ML related to tax crimes. Thirdly, members provided case studies of the laundering of the proceeds of tax crimes.

The UAE has established a new gambling regulator

The UAE has established a federal body to regulate the gaming industry, paving the way for the country to potentially become the first Gulf state to legalise casinos. The new authority is being set up to introduce a “world-leading regulatory framework” for a national lottery…

IMF publishes analysis on AML/CFT supervision for the Nordic-Baltic region

The IMF used machine learning technology, on a country specific and regional level, to better understand cross-border money laundering risks, analyzed the sensitivity of AML/CFT supervisory tools to respond to these risks and developed recommendations…

FINTRAC release guidance on conducting transactions with money services businesses

Information for consumers about FINTRAC’s role in regulating money services businesses and how to remain vigilant when deciding to use the services of this type of business.

FinCEN hosts public-private dialogue on countering the DPRK’s illicit cyber activities

Dialogue focused on countering the abuse of the digital ecosystem by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).  The DPRK continues to use, steal, and launder virtual assets in order to fund its illicit weapons programs…

Wolfsberg Group publishes response to EBA consultation on CP202311

The amended draft Guidelines on Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (ML/TF) risk factors by the European Banking Authority (EBA) clarify that all credit and financial institutions, including crypto-asset service providers (CASPs), need to take steps to address their ML/TF risks.

NCA issues SARs Reporter Booklet – Aug 2023

This booklet provides a snapshot of some of the excellent examples the NCA received highlighting the work of law enforcement agencies in utilising SAR intelligence to initiate investigations and informing existing ones…

JMLSG publishes new guidance on cryptoasset transfers

JMLSG published final revisions to Sector 22 (crypto asset providers and custodian wallet providers) in Part II of its Guidance. This includes a new Annex I to Sector 22 relating to cryptoasset transfers. The new guidance relates to the provisions of …

Global AML Solutions Market Size & Share Analysis – Growth Trends & Forecasts (2023 – 2028)

AML and KYC agreements are becoming more crucial across the financial sectors due to the rise of illegal tax avoidance, fear-based oppressor funding, electronic wrongdoing, and criminal financial infringement…

FSMA 2023 brings crypto assets within the FCA’s area of responsibility

FSMA 2023 explicitly brings cryptoassets within the FCA’s regulatory perimeter and creates a new designated activities regime which may be used to regulate certain crypto-related activities…

APG Mutual Evaluation of AML/CFT in Brunei-Darussalam

Notes that the AML/CFT is strong is several areas, amid relatively low risk.