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FATF Rec. 25 on transparency & beneficial ownership

FATF is considering whether countries should apply measures to understand the risk posed by trusts and similar legal arrangements governed under their law or which are administered in their jurisdictions or whose trustees are residing in their jurisdictions…

FATF standards on virtual assets (VAs)

Both FATF and FATF-style regional body (FSRB) members should accelerate compliance with FATF’s R.15 with a priority focus on assessing
ML/TF risks of VA and VASPs, and the application of AML/CFT measures to mitigate these risks.

EU on the transparency of crypto asset transfers

EU reaches provisional agreement on transparency of crypto asset transfers. The aim is to introduce an obligation for crypto asset service providers to collect and make accessible certain information about the originator and the beneficiary of the transfers of crypto assets…

FinCEN on RBA to assessing customer relationships & conducting CDD

FinCEN issues statement on the risk-based approach to assessing customer relationships and conducting CDD. Banks must adopt appropriate risk-based procedures to understand the nature and purpose of customer relationships for the purpose of developing…

MENAFATF AML/CFT reports on Bahrain, Morocco & Jordan

This study examined the variations in compliance with FATF standards among three member countries of MENAFATF: Bahrain, Morocco and Jordan. While Bahrain has almost completely fulfilled these standards, Morocco and Jordan have only partially fulfilled them…

UNODC World Drug Report 2022

The Report 2022 provides an in-depth analysis of global drug markets and examines the nexus between drugs and the environment within the bigger picture of the Sustainable Development Goals, climate change and environmental sustainability…


FCA laments on ‘red flags’ missed by crypto firms

FCA said many crypto firms that have applied to register under MLR miss financial crime “red flags” and have inadequate controls. Crypto is “high-risk and unregulated, which means (people) are unlikely to have protection if things go wrong, so if they choose to invest in crypto…

HMT publishes post implementation review of the OPBAS regulations

HM Treasury have developed 4 different policy options for supervisory reform. 1. The first of these is the OPBAS+ model which involves formally expanding the remit of OPBAS to focus on effectiveness of PBSs, rather than just technical compliance; and expanding OPBAS’s…

HMT post implementation review of ML regulations

Specific deficiencies remain in the application of risk mitigating measures by the private sector, with supervisors noting inadequate customer due diligence or policies, controls and procedures as a common failing identified through their supervision…

SRA publishes latest suite of annual reports 

The SRA has published separate but connected reports on Authorisation, Client Protection, Education and Training and its enforcement work (published under the title: Upholding Professional Standards) for the financial year from 1 November 2020 to 31 October 2021…

GRECO 3rd Interim Compliance Report on Turkey

GRECO recommended that the transparency of the legislative process be enhanced by (i) further developing the rules on public consultations in respect of civil society groups and citizens; and (ii) ensuring that draft legislation is presented in a reasonable format…

FinCEN on BSA due diligence for ATM owners

FinCEN issued a statement to provide clarity to banks on how to apply a RBA to conducting CDD on independent ATM owners or operators. Some independent ATM owners and operators have reported difficulty in obtaining and maintaining access to banking services…