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EC publishes Commission Delegated Regulation amending jurisdictions with deficiencies in their AML/CFT regimes

The Commission’s assessment concludes that Nigeria and South Africa should be considered as third-country jurisdictions having strategic deficiencies in their AML/CFT regimes that pose significant threats to the financial system of the EU. Nigeria and South Africa should…

European Council adopts rules which will make crypto-asset transfers traceable

The crypto asset service providers are obliged to collect and make accessible certain information about the sender and beneficiary of the transfers of crypto assets they operate, regardless of the amount of crypto assets being transacted, ensuring traceability of crypto-asset…

TFG publishes ISO 20022: ‘The future of Payments is now’

FIs must adapt to changes and embrace opportunities that are here already, such as Open Banking, Open Finance, and Instant Payments. One major development that underpins a lot of payments innovation is ISO 20022, and banks need to adapt to stay ahead of the curve…

HKMA publishes AML Regtech: Network Analytics report

HKMA has commenced a pilot using network analytics to detect mule account networks and help disrupt movement of fraud proceeds. This exercise will, for the first time, analyse information from multiple banks to generate sector-level risk insights to help assess…

FCA continues action against unregistered crypto ATMs across the UK

The FCA has used its powers to inspect sites suspected of hosting illegally operated crypto ATMs, as part of a continued crackdown on this illicit sector. There are no crypto ATM operators registered with the FCA, which they must be to operate legally…

NCA dismantles ML and people smuggling network

16 people have been convicted following a major NCA investigation into a West London-based organised crime group involved in international ML and people smuggling. The network smuggled in excess of £42 million in cash out of the UK, making hundreds of trips…

Wolfsberg Group response on ISO 20022 harmonisation requirements for cross-border payments

The Group has published its response to the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI) report on ISO 20022 harmonisation requirements for cross-border payments.  It welcomes the CPMI’s proposed format and analysis of ways to improve harmonisation…

FATF holds Private Sector Consultative Forum on 8/9 May 2023

The Forum brought together over 250 participants from both public and private sector where they shared their perspectives on the evolving financial crime landscape, emerging risks, importance of deepening public-private partnerships in the fight against illicit finance…

TI Open Letter to the European Commission to uphold Corporate Transparency in the 6th AMLD

TI calls the EC to explicitly support strong provisions for meaningful stakeholder access to beneficial ownership registers that were recently proposed by the European Parliament and ask the EC to to help ensure that the 6th AMLD fully mitigates this risk and enables civil society…

HMCPSI publishes report on SFO’s case progression

The report concluded that the SFO has made extensive improvements in handling and progressing its cases. HMCPSI has recommended SFO to (i) Develop a strategic resourcing model by Dec 2023, (ii) All case controllers to be provided with enhanced management & leadership…

EBA publishes its Annual Report on convergence of supervisory practices for 2022

EBA notes EU wide consistent implementation of 2022 priorities in supervisory work programmes and further improvements in the functioning of supervisory colleges but calls for more attention in some areas. Competent authorities also showed ability to react to macro…

Gambling Commission’s plans for implementation of the Gambling Act Review White Paper

The White Paper committed to increase regulatory powers to tackle illegal gambling and to facilitate cross-government collaboration on a number of areas. The first set of White Paper-related LCCP consultations will be published this summer and pre-consultation…