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FSB on supervisory & regulatory approaches to climate-related risks

The objective of this report is to assist supervisory and regulatory authorities in developing their approaches to monitor, manage and mitigate risks arising from climate change and, in particular, to promote consistent approaches across sectors and jurisdictions…

GRECO 2nd Compliance Report on Ukraine

GRECO Fourth Evaluation Round 2nd Compliance Report on Ukraine. GRECO recommended (i) developing appropriate measures, including of a regulatory nature to enhance the independence and impartiality of the National Agency onCorruption Prevention (NACP)…

Europol on threats and challenges posed by deepfakes

This report focuses on deepfakes, the technology behind them and their potential impact on law enforcement and EU citizens. Deepfake technology uses Artificial Intelligence to audio and audio-visual content. Deepfake technology can produce content that convincingly shows…

FATF Report on the state of effectiveness & compliance

The report finds that countries have made huge progress in improving technical compliance by establishing and enacting a broad range of laws and regulations to better tackle money laundering, terrorist and proliferation financing…

FATF on risk-based guidance to the real estate sector 

The purpose of the Guidance is to support the implementation of FATF standards for the real estate sector, including residential and commercial real-estate and indicate good practices in the design and implementation…

FCA on challenger banks’ financial crime controls

A review by the FCA has found that challenger banks need to improve how they assess financial crime risk, with some failing to adequately check their customers’ income and occupation. In some instances, challenger banks did not have financial crime risk assessments in place…

HMRC webinars on money laundering supervision

HMRC updates recorded webinars on money laundering supervision – information on businesses, Accountancy service providers, Estate agency businesses, High value dealers, Money service businesses…

AUSTRAC on ransomware and criminal use of digital currencies

AUSTRAC has released two new financial crime guides to help businesses stop ransomware attack payments and the criminal abuse of digital currencies. As the digital currency market continues to grow globally, criminals are increasingly using digital currencies…

FINMA publishes annual report for 2021

The ongoing digitalisation of the financial system and the entry of new players to the market are promoting new business models and driving the development of new services. The focus is on payment apps, asset management tools and automated processes for lending…

GRECO Compliance Report on Austria

GRECO has made public its Fourth Evaluation Round 2nd Interim Compliance Report on Austria, which deals with corruption prevention in respect of members of parliament, judges and prosecutors. This report was adopted by GRECO at its 89th Plenary Meeting (Strasbourg…

MAS on misconduct reporting requirements

MAS seeks views on the revised notices on misconduct reporting requirements – consultation on Revised Notices on Misconduct Reporting Requirements under the Financial Advisers Act, Insurance Act and Securities and Futures Act…

ESAs publishes joint Annual Report for 2021 

The main areas of cross-sectoral focus continued to be joint risk assessment, enhancement of consumer protection, development of the regulatory and supervisory frameworks for sustainable finance and securitisation…