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The City of London Police reports that over £28.7 million was lost to courier fraudsters in the past year, with individuals in their 80s being the most frequent target

People in their 80s are most likely to be targeted by criminals carrying out courier fraud, with this age range accounting for 43 per cent of all victims, data from Action Fraud shows…

FCA proposes to update its Financial Crime Guide on sanctions, proliferation financing and transaction monitoring

The Guide aims to enhance understanding of the FCA’s expectations and to help firms assess the adequacy of their financial crime systems and controls, and remedy any deficiencies. The FC Guide contains various self-evaluation questions, along with examples of good and poor practice drawn from FCA work and other financial crime publications.


US Treasury publishes its National Illicit Finance Strategy 2024, highlighting recent reforms to close loopholes exploited by illicit actors

The 2024 Strategy addresses key illicit finance threats related to large-scale fraud schemes, attacks, an opioid-driven overdose epidemic, foreign and domestic terrorist attacks, corruption, and illicit exploitation of technological advances in payments and financial products and services. The details show how the United States will function on the efforts to modernize the U.S. AML/CFT regime, enhance operational effectiveness in combating illicit actors, and embrace technological innovation to mitigate risks…

ESAAMLG publishes second enhanced follow-up and first technical compliance re-rating on Mozambique

Reviewers considered information provided in support of the request for re-rating of Recommendations 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 19, 20, and 26 and upgrade Mozambique  on all but Recommendation 8 (protection of non-profits from abuse for terrorist financing), which remains non-compliant.

ESAAMLG publishes 12th enhanced follow-up and fifth technical compliance re-rating on Uganda

Recognises the progress made since Uganda’s National Risk Assessment in 2022 and pledges by the country to update the NRA on a three year basis. Report also finds that there have been steps to address the absence of frameworks for implementation of targeted financial sanctions relating to proliferation.

EP and Council of the EU details amendments to Directive (EU) 2019/1937, specifying the mechanisms Member States must implement to prevent the misuse of the financial system for ML or TF

Defines clearer requirements for more effective arrangements for cross-border cooperation and outlines responsibilities of supervisors employed by the Authority for anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AMLA).


JMLSG consults on proposed revisions to Sector 18 (Wholesale markets) in Part II of its Guidance

The deadline for comments on the proposed revisions is 1 July 2024.

EU Council adopts regulation on establishing a framework of measures for strengthening Europe’s net-zero technology manufacturing ecosystem, known as the ‘net-zero industry act’

The purpose of the regulation is to strengthen the industrial deployment of the zero emission technologies need to meet the EU climate goals, using the strength of the single market to strengthen the Europe’s leadership in industrial green technologies. This action will help Europe to lead the world in climate change goals and fight against climate change…

US SEC and FinCEN jointly propose new AML rules for fund advisers to establish, document, and maintain written customer identification programs

FinCEN suggested that investment advisers implement AML policies and encourage real estate experts to report questionable transactions. The new regulation is applicable to investment advisors and fund advisers that are registered with the SEC but are not required to register because of the type and volume of money they manage for their clients…


ICIJ reports that leaked Dubai property files reveal links between luxury apartments and scammers from the One Coin cryptocurrency scheme

The owner had established One Coin, promised to launch a cryptocurrency that would be the number one globally. The global investigators connected it to a $4 billion global pyramid scheme that defrauded over 3.5 million people. In order to receive and allegedly launder money wired from One Coin investors, the owner established bank accounts and incorporated shell companies there…


Council of the EU publishes regulation for establishing the Authority for AML and CFT

The new authority will pursue a harmonised approach to strengthen the Union’s existing preventive AML/CFT framework and specifically AML/CFT supervision and cooperation between Financial Intelligence Units.

Council of the EU publishes details of new AML package

This new instrument is part of a comprehensive package that aims to strengthen the Union’s AML/CFT framework – forming the legal framework governing the AML/CFT requirements to be met by obliged entities and underpinning the Union’s AML/CFT institutional framework, including the establishment of an Authority for anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AMLA).