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FATF publishes follow-up report to Tajikistan’s assessment of AML and CTF measures

Tajikistan has demonstrated significant progress in addressing the technical compliance deficiencies noted in the Mutual Evaluation and has been upgraded on 6 Recommendations.

Wolfsberg Group publishes note on applying the Wolfsberg correspondent banking questionnaire in Brazil

The Wolfsberg Group (the Group) has engaged with Abracam (The Brazilian Foreign Exchange Association) to better understand their proposal to introduce a process to validate local institutions’ responses to the Wolfsberg Correspondent Banking Due Diligence Questionnaire (CBDDQ), with the validation performed by an independent auditing company.

AUSTRAC releases money laundering in Australia national risk assessment 2024

The key theme to emerge from this assessment is persistence: persistent exploitation of channels that have historically been used to launder funds (e.g. banks, remitters and casinos); persistent exploitation of high-value assets like luxury watches, vehicles and real estate; and persistent involvement of
professional service providers to help establish complex business structures and associated banking arrangements to help individuals launder funds and conceal wealth.

HKMA disciplines DBS Bank (Hong Kong) limited for breaching the AML/CFT Ordinance

DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited faced disciplinary action due to inadequate systems and controls under the AMLO. The investigation highlighted shortcomings in ongoing monitoring of business relationships, conducting enhanced due diligence in high-risk situations, and maintaining records from April 2012 to April 2019…

MAS publishes its National Asset Recovery Strategy towards the recovery of illicit funds and assets

Singapore unveiled its National Asset Recovery Strategy, detailing its robust efforts to recover illicit funds and assets, and to return them to victims. Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Lawrence Wong announced the strategy at the opening of the FATF Plenary Meeting, emphasizing Singapore’s ongoing enhancements to its AML / CFT framework…

OECD publishes report on illicit trade and the Korean economy

Examines the global trade in counterfeit products that infringe on Korean intellectual property rights (IPR) and its impact on the Korean economy.

Cato reveals the Criminal Code, Decentralized finance , Illicit Finance, and the Future of Financial Liberty

DeFi is accused of disproportionately aiding illicit finance, including terrorism funding and sanctions evasion, based on misrepresented evidence prompting restrictive policy proposals. How can we challenge these narratives and update AML frameworks for DeFi?

Business Times: Singapore enhances AML regulations for corporate service providers and companies mandating providers to arrange nominee directorships

Parliament passed two Bills amending laws governing CSPs and entities, following a debate where Second Finance Minister Indranee Rajah addressed queries from MPs, particularly regarding the new nominee directorship requirements. Under the new rules, only a corporate service provider or a sole proprietor of a registered CSP can arrange a nominee directorship with violators facing fines of up to US$10,000…

MAS updates its Terrorist Financing National Risk Assessment for Singapore

Update takes into account key developments since the last TF NRA in 2020, such as the evolving global and regional terrorism landscape, growth of the digital economy and financial services in Asia, and emerging TF risk typologies. Similar to 2020, the 2024 TF NRA has observed that the TF threat of raising and moving funds for terrorists and terrorism activities overseas remains pertinent in Singapore’s context. Self-radicalised individuals continue to pose the most salient TF threat to Singapore.

Reuters: Panama’s court has acquitted individuals accused of ML connected to the Panama Papers and “Operation Car Wash” scandals

Judge Marquinez also imposed fines on witnesses who failed to comply with summonses and noted that evidence from Mossack Fonseca’s servers lacked proper chain of custody. In relation to Operation Car Wash, a large-scale corruption investigation originating in Brazil, Marquinez concluded that it couldn’t be proven funds from illicit sources entered Panama to conceal crimes…

MAS sets out approach towards the recovery of illicit funds and assets from criminals, and the forfeiture of these assets or their return to victims

Between January 2019 and June 2024, Singapore seized S$6 bn linked to criminal and ML activities. S$416 mn has been returned to the victims, and S$1 bn has been forfeited to the State. The large bulk of the remainder is linked to ongoing investigations or court proceedings.

HKMA publishes reports on two frontier technologies, decentralised finance (DeFi) and the metaverse

Together these reports provide an in-depth analysis on these technologies and their uses in the financial services industry, as well as an overview of the regulatory landscape internationally and in Hong Kong.