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Economic Sanctions

EU Sanctions

This section covers the EU Sanctions List.

The EU maintains a Consolidated list of persons, groups and entities subject to EU financial sanctions. It also maintains a list and map of countries subject to EU, UN or both EU and UN sanctions.

EU Official Journal
European Council Press Releases & Statements

EU Sanctions Map
EU Sanctions Whistleblower Tool
EU Sanctions Legislation 

And many more…


Latest editions


European Commission announces export controls and restrictions against Russia which are designed to limit their access to key technologies and resources

The EC, along with Japan, the UK, and the US, held a meeting on 10th July, 2024, to discuss the enhancement of export restriction measures in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. They emphasised the importance of maintaining and adjusting these restrictions to prevent Russia from accessing military-related items, warning that companies profiting from such sales will face legal consequences…

EU Sanctions List last updated

EU Commission further extends the scope of sanctions against Belarus in response to continued involvement in Russian aggression against Ukraine

The new measures are tailored in view of the specific characteristics of EU-Belarus trade and affect various sectors of the Belarusian economy, including trade, services and transport.

Council of EU adds six persons to EU sanctions list for malicious cyber activities against EU member states and Ukraine

The EU imposed sanctions on the Callisto group, engaged in cyber operations targeting EU states and third countries via phishing to steal sensitive data. These actions increase the EU’s cyber sanctions list to 14 individuals and four entities, including asset freezes, travel bans, and financial prohibitions…

Council of EU agrees on the 14th package of sanctions against Russia, which cracks down on circumvention and adopts energy measures

These measures are designed to target high-value sectors of the Russian economy, like energy, finance and trade, and make it ever more difficult to circumvent EU sanctions.

EU Ministers discuss G7 decision clarifying the obligations of Central Securities Depositories (CSD) holding assets and reserves of the Central Bank of Russia (CBR) that are immobilised as consequence of EU’s restrictive measures

Focus on the latest G7 decision to make available from 2025 onwards approximately $50 billion by leveraging the extraordinary revenues stemming from the immobilisation of Russian sovereign assets.


OCCRP announces Polish Businessman makes millions from firm that deals with Putin’s Russia

Polish businessman Andre Mankowski, previously president of Moscow-based IT company AMT Group has disappeared from the company’s website, despite continuing to profit from its business with Putin’s sanctioned regime…

Russia has passed legislation allowing the seizure of US assets in Russian territory in response to the REPO Act

Russian President Putin issued Decree No. 442, establishing a mechanism to seize US assets within Russian territory and compensating the Russian Federation and Central Bank for losses caused by US decisions…

Netherlands arrests individuals for violating russian trade restrictions

Dutch financial crime agency FIOD arrested two individuals suspected of violating EU sanctions by purchasing Russian timber through Chinese suppliers, resulting in searches of their homes and businesses…

Latvian FIU provides a summary of the first 2 months since the FIU became the national competent authority in charge of the implementation of sanctions 

The Latvian Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) has processed 95 submissions, 23 exemption applications, and 160 notifications in its first two months as the national competent authority for sanctions implementation. The FIU is currently facing its first judicial proceedings challenging a decision…


Latvian FIU provides a summary of the first 2 months since the FIU became the national competent authority in charge of the implementation of sanctions

New EU rules criminalising the violation of EU sanctions enter into force

As from 19 May, the new rules will ensure that such violations can be criminally investigated and prosecuted in all Member States including violation and circumvention of EU sanctions, such as for example: failing to freeze assets; breaching travel bans and arms embargoes: providing prohibited or restricted economic and financial services, transferring funds that should be frozen to a third party…

European Council announces EU to set up new framework for restrictive measures against those responsible for human rights violations

Thew decision to introduce new regime is a part of EU response to the increasing systematic repression in Russia. The new system will allow the EU to those who provide technical or material support to people and communities who commit human rights abuses to people in Russia. The new sanctions regime will imposes trade restrictions on the export of technology…