The Association of Financial Crime Prevention Professionals




Members Meeting


Held hybrid on Thursday, 26 September 2024
Stephenson Harwood, City of London

18th Annual

European AML & Financial Crime

Hear essential updates from leading cross-industry experts!

Held hybrid on 11 – 12 Nov 2024, Merchant Taylor’s Hall, City of London

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13th Annual

Anti-Bribery & Corruption

Hear essential updates from leading cross-industry experts!

Held hybrid on 13 Nov 2024, CMS Cameron McKenna, City of London

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FATF Plenary Outcomes June 2024 highlights that Monaco and Venezuela were added to the FATF “grey” list for strategic deficiencies in their regimes to counter ML/TF, and PF while Jamaica and Turkey were removed from the list…

FCA Joint Executive Director of Enforcement and Market Oversight, Steve Smart delivers speech on “Teamwork: A Smart Way to Tackle Financial Crime” at the Financial Services Investigations and Enforcement Summit…

EBA welcomes the entry into force of the new EU framework that will transform how Europe tackles ML/TF. The EBA is proud to be paving the way for the establishment of the new AMLA authority and is committed to facilitating a smooth transition…

FinCEN issues proposed rule to strengthen and modernise financial institutions’ AML/CFT programmes. The proposed rule would amend regulations to explicitly require that AML/CFT programs be effective, risk-based, and reasonably …

GRECO releases the the Second Addendum to the Second Compliance Report on Georgia, addressing Georgia’s implementation of recommendations for corruption prevention in respect of members of parliament, judges, and prosecutors…

MAS publishes its National Asset Recovery Strategy towards the recovery of illicit funds and assets. Asset recovery is one of the key pillars of Singapore’s AML regime.  It seeks to deter the flow of illicit assets through Singapore’s financial ecosystem…

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AMLP Meeting

Thursday, 26 September 2024

ABC updates: 13:30 – 15:00
AML/CTF updates: 15:30 – 17:00

3.5 CPD Points (3.5 hours)


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Key highlights

European Commission publishes latest update on AML/CTF legislative package

The package harmonises rules across the EU to make sure that there are no legislative gaps amongst Member States. It also proposes the creation of a new EU authority…

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Prominent EU AML/CTF spokespersons share their perspectives on the establishment of a successful EU AML/CTF Authority

The report asserts that the EU needs a robust and effective AML/CFT regime and framework. It highlights AMLA as a critical step in transforming and enhancing AML/CFT supervision…

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