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OECD reports on the incidence of corruption and fraud in crises

This policy paper aims to strengthen the capacities of law enforcement authorities in Asia and the Pacific to combat corruption and fraud during emergencies.

UNODC notes that bribery is becoming less accepted in Nigeria

New report – “Corruption in Nigeria: Patterns and Trends” – is the third survey of perceptions of corruption among the Nigerian population and provides an analysis of corruption trends and the effectiveness of anti-corruption strategies in the country.

TI publishes report on land corruption in West Africa

This policy paper presents an overview of land corruption in West Africa and provides recommendations for the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to address this issue.

OECD publishes report on promoting public integrity across Ecuadorian society

This report analyses the main actions taken by the Ecuadorian government to bring together the public and private sectors, academia, civil society organisations and citizens in promoting public integrity.

ICIJ reveals mysterious memo tying Zambian ex-president Edgar Lungu to alleged corruption highlights the limits of FIUs

The memo also raised concerns regarding Zambian-Swazi construction magnate Michelo Shakantu, 49, who is married to Pholile Dlamini-Shakantu, Eswatini’s minister of foreign affairs and former justice minister. A key allegation was that one of Shakantu’s companies, Inyatsi Road Construction, had “obtained a number of road construction contracts and in turn offered bribes in [the] form of land and monetary gifts to high profile individuals.”…


Spotlight on Corruption issues statement on Nigeria’s $50 million settlement with Glencore must be fully transparent and redress the harms caused by corruption

Spotlight on Corruption calls on the Federal Government of Nigeria to publish its $50 million settlement with Glencore International A.G. and ensure these funds are used transparently to benefit communities harmed by corruption. Glencore’s agreement to pay $50 million as “penalty and compensation” is a welcome recognition of the company’s obligation to repair the harms caused by its corruption of public officials in Nigeria…

OCCRP announces the moroccan cybercrime ring is profiting from gift card fraud by stealing victims information and generating up to $100,000 daily

Ring mines digital gold from company directories, contact lists, and email accounts, exploiting mobile phones for smishing attacks to infiltrate large companies with deep pockets. Microsoft recommends companies adopt a secure gift card platform with strict password requirements and IP address location checks for all devices attempting to register one…

Banking Drive: TD bank employee being accused of taking bribes in a new AML case

Banker Gerardo Aquino Vargas allegedly provided criminals with 28 debit cards in Florida, netting $5,600 in bribes and claiming lower rates than others for illegal services. Court documents reveal that Vargas allegedly unblocked two debit cards after TD froze them after identifying fraudulent ATM transactions in Colombia…

Swiss Aid publishes study on the illegal trade of African gold

According to a new study, between 321 and 474 tons of artisanal gold are produced annually in Africa without being declared, and at least 435 tons of gold were smuggled from the African continent in 2022 alone.

UNODC reports a record amount of methamphetamine seized in East and Southeast Asia as synthetic drug market expands and evolves

A new report, titled “Synthetic Drugs in East and Southeast Asia: latest developments and challenges 2024”, confirms that 190 tons of methamphetamine was seized in East and Southeast Asia in 2023 – a record level. After dropping slightly in 2022, seizures of methamphetamine rebounded in 2023 to the highest amount ever recorded for the region.

OCCRP: Kyiv Police uncovered a $1.7 million embezzlement scheme involving the sale of electricity at inflated prices to a department within the State Water Resources Agency

Investigators discovered that the director signed contracts in early 2022 obliging a department within the State Water Resources Agency to pay twice the normal price for electricity. The suspect is facing serious charges of “embezzlement of property through abuse of office,” a crime magnified under the current martial law circumstances…

The Commonwealth holds a landmark Anti-corruption Conference in Ghana

The heads of anti-corruption agencies from 21 African member states of the Commonwealth are meeting in Accra, Ghana, from 6 May to 11 May 2024, for a significant conference aimed at enhancing regional anti-corruption efforts. The 14th Annual Conference of Heads of Anti-Corruption Agencies in Commonwealth Africa is set to commence today, focusing on the theme “Strengthening Institutions and Promoting Transparency: A Means of Fighting Corruption in Commonwealth Africa”.