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APGML publishes report on illicit finance generated from illegal fishing

The financial dimensions of illegal fishing pose a complex challenge for law enforcement due to lack of understanding of the transnational nature of this crime;
weak international coordination on illegal proceeds of illegal fishing; and the absence of parallel financial investigations.

AUSTRAC accepts enforceable undertaking from Gold Corporation

Following careful consideration of the audit findings, including the nature and seriousness of the non-compliance and Gold Corporation’s willingness to cooperate and proactively work to comply with its AML/CTF obligations, AUSTRAC has determined that an EU is the most appropriate regulatory response.

GFI examines the nexus between illicit finance and transfer pricing in Uganda

Identifies and discusses the obstacles that hinder the successful implementation of transfer pricing rules in Uganda – a crucial step toward developing targeted solutions.

Guardian/ICIJ investigates offshore services provided by Cyprus

Casinos and schools fill with Russians in the island’s Turkish-occupied north, which offers a sanctions-free life for those seeking to move their money after a clampdown in the south

France imposes restrictive measures upon two Hamas leaders

These measures were taken in accordance with Articles L. 562-2 of the Monetary and Financial Code, which authorizes the freezing of assets and prohibits making funds available to those who engage in certain financial crimes, including the financing of terrorist activities…

Diligencia insights on how to accelerate customer onboarding in the Middle East & Africa

Diligencia recognises that onboarding corporate customers and third parties in the Middle East & Africa (MEA) poses significant challenges, especially for regulated entities offering discretionary services like legal advice or private wealth management…

FATF publishes follow-up report to the Mutual Evaluation of Japan

Japan has made progress in addressing technical compliance deficiencies identified in its MER and has been upgraded on several Recommendations.

FATF issues follow-up report and technical compliance re-rating for Switzerland

Switzerland has made progress in addressing the technical compliance deficiencies identified in the MER with respect to Recommendation 10 and Recommendation 40 and is re-rated to Largely Compliant on both measures.

AUSTRAC provides briefing on virtual kidnappings

Virtual kidnappings are a form of technology-enabled scam that involves scammers: often impersonating a Chinese military or government official; convincing victims they have been implicated in a crime; demanding large payments from victims under the threat of being deported or arrested.

AML Analytics and Bank of Jamaica publishes joint Whitepaper on ‘Using supervisory technology and thematic reviews to enhance risk-based supervision’

The paper aims to empower risk-based supervision by integrating advanced supervisory technologies. By incorporating thematic reviews, the it seeks to elevate risk management practices, offering a comprehensive approach to strengthening the supervisory framework…

APGML publishes follow-up report to the Mutual Evaluation of Cambodia

Cambodia is re-rated on Recommendation 7, which relates requires countries to implement targeted financial sanctions to comply with the United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCRs) relating to the prevention, suppression and disruption of proliferation of weapons of mass destructions (WMD) and its financing.

APGML publishes follow-up report to the Mutual Evaluation of Myanmar

As a result of this progress, Myanmar has been re-rated on Recommendation 14, which relates to MVTS.  However, insufficient progress has been made to justify a re-rating of R.7, R.8,
R.24 and R.26.