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Singapore publishes its updated Money Laundering National Risk Assessment

Singapore has been closely monitoring our ML risks including conducting thematic risks assessments in relation to abuse of legal persons, virtual assets, and environmental crime ML, to ensure that these risks are surfaced in a timely manner to facilitate targeted risk mitigation across relevant stakeholders…

Govt of Canada announces additional sanctions against Russian government for its responsibility in death of Alexei Navalny

Canada announced additional sanctions on 13 Russian individuals in relation to the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny and Russia’s continued human rights abuses…

APG re-rates Vietnam on Recommendation 13 in first follow-up report to the MER

Recommendation 13 requires additional measures to be applied to cross-border correspondent banking relationships, in addition to performing the CDD and enhanced due diligence (EDD) measures in FATF Recommendation 10 for high risk customers. Vietnam is re-rated to partially compliant.

GCFFC releases Financial Scams Report: An Assessment of Scams in Australia, Hong Kong SAR & Singapore

There are more than 20 main types or variety of scam types identified in this report, with some hybrids & others involving additional forms of criminality, leading to financial losses, lifestyle changing consequences, & changes to life with 500,000 people estimated as modern slavery/human trafficking victims forced into criminality to support romance baiting and numerous suicides from scams such as sextortion…

APG reviews the progress made by Palau in fifth follow-up to the MER

Palau has been re-rated on R.22, R.23, R.28 and R.36, which they requested prior to follow-up. These Recommendations cover PEPs, DNFBPs and international instruments.

EPPO arrests ringleader, code-named Goliath of €85 million VAT fraud in Kenya

According to the investigation, the suspects established companies in Germany and other EU Member States, as well as in non-EU countries, in order to trade the goods through a fraudulent chain of missing traders – who would vanish without fulfilling their tax obligations. Other companies in the fraudulent chain would subsequently claim VAT reimbursements from the national tax authorities…

MAS issues Environmental Crimes Money Laundering National Risk Assessment

Environmental crimes, including wildlife trafficking and logging generate significant global criminal gains, with Singapore’s high exposure to these crimes due to its international financial center and externally-oriented economy…

Global Witness: The state oil company in the UAE secured $100billion in deals during its year as COP28 host

27 US Senate and House members criticized the idea of a fossil fuel champion in climate negotiations arguing it could undermine the goal…

AUSTRAC announces the new guidelines have been issued to combat the use of foreign students as money mules

Criminal networks exploit international students and temporary residents in Australia as money mules, unaware of the illegal nature of their activities. Criminal networks are constantly seeking ways to clean their dirty money, obtained from various criminal activities such as drug and human trafficking, fraud, and scams…

AUSTRAC accepts Enforceable Undertaking from online betting company Sportsbet

The enforceable undertaking binds Sportsbet to an ongoing remedial action plan to improve its AML/CTF program, which AUSTRAC will monitor to ensure it is undertaken within agreed timeframes. As part of the undertaking, Sportsbet is also required to provide reports to AUSTRAC from an auditor who will continually monitor the progress of Sportsbet’s uplift.

ESAAMLG publishes second enhanced follow-up and first technical compliance re-rating on Mozambique

Reviewers considered information provided in support of the request for re-rating of Recommendations 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 19, 20, and 26 and upgrade Mozambique  on all but Recommendation 8 (protection of non-profits from abuse for terrorist financing), which remains non-compliant.

ESAAMLG publishes 12th enhanced follow-up and fifth technical compliance re-rating on Uganda

Recognises the progress made since Uganda’s National Risk Assessment in 2022 and pledges by the country to update the NRA on a three year basis. Report also finds that there have been steps to address the absence of frameworks for implementation of targeted financial sanctions relating to proliferation.