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OECD on its consultation on crypto-assets

The OECD has published the public comments received on the consultation on Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework and Amendments to the Common Reporting Standard. A public consultation meeting (in-person and virtual) will take place on 23 May 2022 and will focus on the key…

OECD on Tax Transparency in Latin America 2022

OECD examines progress in Latin America in relations to tackling tax evasion and other financial crimes. Tax Transparency 2022 edition covers 16 Latin American countries and aims to inform decision makers and citizens on the latest progress and remaining challenges…

EBA on professional secrecy regimes of third country authorities

The Guidelines to allow for a wider scope of the assessment, i.e. to include all relevant provisions in the CRD, PSD2, BRRD and AMLD, as applicable to the specific third country authorities); a wider purpose, i.e. to support cooperation arrangements and facilitate…

Cayman Islands National Strategy for Combating ML/TF

Cayman Islands publishes National Strategy for Combating ML/TF & PF 2022-25.  Fraud, corruption/bribery, and tax evasion pose the highest
foreign ML threats for the Cayman Islands. This finding highlights the country’s continued exposure, as an IFC…

GFI guide covering beneficial ownership laws in Uganda

In Uganda and across the African continent, the main sources of IFFs include corruption, money laundering, organized crime, trade
misinvoicing, and tax evasion…

FinCEN on real estate Geographic Targeting Orders

FinCEN announced the renewal and expansion of its Geographic Targeting Orders that require U.S. title insurance companies to identify the natural persons behind shell companies used in all-cash purchases of residential real estate…

FSB on supervisory & regulatory approaches to climate-related risks

The objective of this report is to assist supervisory and regulatory authorities in developing their approaches to monitor, manage and mitigate risks arising from climate change and, in particular, to promote consistent approaches across sectors and jurisdictions…

GRECO 2nd Compliance Report on Ukraine

GRECO Fourth Evaluation Round 2nd Compliance Report on Ukraine. GRECO recommended (i) developing appropriate measures, including of a regulatory nature to enhance the independence and impartiality of the National Agency onCorruption Prevention (NACP)…

Europol on threats and challenges posed by deepfakes

This report focuses on deepfakes, the technology behind them and their potential impact on law enforcement and EU citizens. Deepfake technology uses Artificial Intelligence to audio and audio-visual content. Deepfake technology can produce content that convincingly shows…

FATF Report on the state of effectiveness & compliance

The report finds that countries have made huge progress in improving technical compliance by establishing and enacting a broad range of laws and regulations to better tackle money laundering, terrorist and proliferation financing…

FATF on risk-based guidance to the real estate sector 

The purpose of the Guidance is to support the implementation of FATF standards for the real estate sector, including residential and commercial real-estate and indicate good practices in the design and implementation…

FCA on challenger banks’ financial crime controls

A review by the FCA has found that challenger banks need to improve how they assess financial crime risk, with some failing to adequately check their customers’ income and occupation. In some instances, challenger banks did not have financial crime risk assessments in place…