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GRECO Fifth Round Evaluation Report on Greece

GRECO has made public its Fifth Round Evaluation Report on Greece which deals with preventing corruption and promoting integrity in central governments (top executive functions) and law enforcement agencies and its Second Follow-up..

EU report on the fight against oligarch structures

EU Parliament publishes report on the fight against oligarch structures and the protection of EU funds from fraud and conflict of interest. It has been calling on the Commission to take prompt action and to remedy the alarming misuse of EU funds by politically prominent wealthy…

AUSTRAC proceedings in Federal Court against Crown

AUSTRAC will commence civil penalty proceedings in the Federal Court against Crown Melbourne and Crown Perth for alleged serious and systemic non-compliance with Australia’s (AML/CTF) laws..

NCA on electronics haul concealed £5m of cocaine

NCA investigation results in prosecution of an individual that concealed £5m of cocaine in an electronic shipment. This cocaine would have fuelled exploitation and violence in the UK and we will continue our work with partners to tackle class A drug trafficking….

UK Government to further clamp down on ‘dirty money’

The new legislation will help the NCA prevent foreign owners from laundering their money in UK property and ensure more corrupt oligarchs can be handed an Unexplained Wealth Order (UWO). Anonymous foreign owners…

Bermuda inclusion on the EU ‘greylist’

Bermuda has already fulfilled all the commitments related to the required exchanges of information recommended by the OECD for Harmful Tax Practices (FHTP) and looks forward to the OECD…

IMF Warns Nigeria’s CBDC Poses ML Risks

IMF said using the eNaira for cross-border payments carries the risk of financing terrorism and money laundering. While eNaira could help foster financial inclusion and improve the delivery of social assistance, close monitoring of associated risks will be important…

ECB towards a stronger AML/CTF framework in EU 

The EU AML/CFT framework affects the ECB’s tasks relating to the prudential supervision of banks, as well as the tasks that fall within its central banking mandate. In particular, it is important for the ECB to factor the outcomes of AML/CFT …

IMF financial system stability assessment on the UK

The U.K. financial system is benefiting from a robust financial stability framework. The FSAP team has assessed capital and liquidity levels at core banks and insurers as strong—even under some severely adverse scenarios, including the re-emergence of the pandemic…

Europol arrest in Germany in theft of vehicles 

A coordinated strike between the German Police, the Austrian Criminal Police Office and the Bosnian Ministry of Interior Affairs under the coordination of Europol, has led to the dismantlement of a gang of car thieves operating across Germany…

UNODC on terrorism threats in Eastern & Southern Africa

Increasing activity by armed groups in Southern and Eastern Africa brings new and growing threats to the region of terrorism, terrorism financing and violent extremism. Some of the groups have pledged allegiance to Islamic State, which makes them…

GFI comments to FinCEN on AML Regulations for the Real Estate

GFI submitted a comment on regulations proposed by the FinCEN which would create effective solutions to address vulnerabilities of the U.S. real estate market to money laundering and other illicit activity. The avalanche of high-profile cases over the last several years have…