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White House EO on protecting Da Afghanistan Bank

President Biden signed a new Executive Order on Protecting Certain Property of Da Afghanistan Bank for the Benefit of the People of Afghanistan.  Under the new EO, President Biden declares a national emergency to address the threat to US national security caused…

SEC modernisation of beneficial ownership reporting

The proposed amendments would modernize the filing deadlines for initial and amended beneficial ownership reports filed on Schedules 13D and 13G. It also would deem holders of certain cash-settled derivative securities as beneficial owners of the reference equity securities…

House of Commons briefing on economic crime

The House of Commons Library published a briefing paper on economic crime in the UK summarising recent research, analysis and Government action. The paper highlighted the extent of economic crime in the UK can reasonably be said to run into the tens of billions…

Home Office on employing financial investigators under POCA

POCA provides financial investigation powers to officers, in connection with the various kinds of investigations permitted by Part 8 of the Act in connection with the recovery of the proceeds of crime. Section 378 of POCA defines who an appropriate officer is in respect of…

GFI on company registration & ML vulnerabilities

This report focuses on the five largest economies in Latin America – Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, and Chile – analyzes how corporate structures can be exploited for money laundering or other financial crimes…

FinCEN on reporting of beneficial ownership information

FinCEN issued a NPRM implementing the beneficial ownership information reporting provisions of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), which addressed who must report beneficial ownership information, when to report it, and what information they must provide…

US DoJ arrests couple for alleged laundering in Bitcoin

The US Department of Justice has arrested two people and confiscated more than $3.6bn worth of cryptocurrency that it said was stolen during the high-profile 2016 hack of the Bitfinex exchange, executing the government agency’s largest financial seizure…

Federal Agencies joint effort alert on Romance Scams

Romance scams are not new, but with the proliferation of online dating apps, social media, and even messaging apps, new types of scams are emerging that target new audiences and have drained victims of millions of dollars. The year 2020 was a record year for romance scams…

MONEYVAL Ireland’s progress report to tackle ML/TF

The report summarises Ireland’s progress to improve its technical compliance by: a) addressing some of the technical compliance deficiencies identified in the MER; and b) implementing new requirements where the FATF Recommendations have changed since…

BAFIN: Fighting money laundering together

The aim is to prevent money laundering. This can only be achieved if supervisors, money laundering officers and the FIU continue to act in concert. And if the rules in Europe are harmonized. This became clear at this year’s symposium on AML supervision, organised by BaFin.

ESAs on EU’s regulatory & supervisory framework

The ESA published a joint report in response to the EC’s Call for Advice on Digital Finance. The proposals put forward aim at maintaining a high level of consumer protection and addressing risks arising from the transformation of value chains, platformisation and the emergence…

US Treasury on illicit finance in high-value art market

The Treasury published a study on the facilitation of ML/TF through the trade in works of high-value art, which examined art market participants and sectors of the high-value art market that may present ML/TF risks to the U.S. financial system, and identified efforts…