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FCA calls on firms to improve treatment of politically exposed persons (PEPs)

FCA multi-firm review which sets out our findings on how effectively firms are following our current Guidance on the treatment of politically exposed persons (PEPs) for anti money-laundering purposes.

FCA sets out the final rules and guidance necessary to implement the Overseas Funds Regime

The gateway for eligible funds to apply for recognition under the OFR is scheduled to open later this year: in September for new schemes and starting from October for funds currently in the temporary marketing permissions regime (TMPR).

FinCEN, OFAC, and FBI issue joint notice on timeshare fraud associated with Mexico-based transnational criminal organisations

Cover the methodologies, financial typologies, and red flag indicators associated with timeshare fraud orchestrated by Mexico-based transnational criminal organizations, such as the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG).

FATF publishes follow-up report to Tajikistan’s assessment of AML and CTF measures

Tajikistan has demonstrated significant progress in addressing the technical compliance deficiencies noted in the Mutual Evaluation and has been upgraded on 6 Recommendations.

Wolfsberg Group publishes note on applying the Wolfsberg correspondent banking questionnaire in Brazil

The Wolfsberg Group (the Group) has engaged with Abracam (The Brazilian Foreign Exchange Association) to better understand their proposal to introduce a process to validate local institutions’ responses to the Wolfsberg Correspondent Banking Due Diligence Questionnaire (CBDDQ), with the validation performed by an independent auditing company.

ESAs consult on guidelines under the markets in crypto-assets regulation

Establishes templates for explanations and legal opinions regarding the classification of crypto-assets along with a standardised test to foster a common approach to classification.

FATF publishes targeted update on implementation of the FATF standards on VAs and VASPs

FATF’s report finds that while some jurisdictions have made progress in putting AML/CFT regulation in place, global implementation is still lagging. There are several governments which have yet to take any significant steps to regulate the sector, and these countries need to prioritise implementing the Standards in full as a matter of urgency.

AUSTRAC releases money laundering in Australia national risk assessment 2024

The key theme to emerge from this assessment is persistence: persistent exploitation of channels that have historically been used to launder funds (e.g. banks, remitters and casinos); persistent exploitation of high-value assets like luxury watches, vehicles and real estate; and persistent involvement of
professional service providers to help establish complex business structures and associated banking arrangements to help individuals launder funds and conceal wealth.

FATF consults on proposals to update National Risk Assessment guidance, with focus on money laundering requirements

The goal is to update the NRA guidance to make it more effective, comprehensive and useful for all stakeholders involved. FATF invites contributions from the private sector, civil society and academia to ensure the guidance is aligned with their experiences…

UN Sanctions List last updated

FATF publishes a report titled ‘Horizontal Review of Gatekeepers’ Technical Compliance related to Corruption, which assesses the current state of play and identifies areas that FATF members must prioritise for further improvement

This review found that some cornerstone obligations of the FATF Recommendations fall behind the compliance levels of other obligations. These requirements conducting CDD, implementing internal controls, and providing a supervisor with adequate powers to conduct risk-based supervision are essential requirements to address the vulnerability of gatekeepers to money laundering and corruption threats…

UNODC World Drug Report 2024 reveals that the global drug problem continues to worsen, with increasing drug use and expanding markets

The number of people who use drugs has risen to 292 million in 2022, a 20 per cent increase over 10 years. Cannabis remains the most widely used drug worldwide (228 million users), followed by opioids (60 million users), amphetamines (30 million users), cocaine (23 million users), and ecstasy (20 million users)…