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Singapore publishes its updated Money Laundering National Risk Assessment

Singapore has been closely monitoring our ML risks including conducting thematic risks assessments in relation to abuse of legal persons, virtual assets, and environmental crime ML, to ensure that these risks are surfaced in a timely manner to facilitate targeted risk mitigation across relevant stakeholders…

INTERPOL’s European Regional Conference emphasises on the growing threat and globalisation of organised crime in Europe

Over the three-day conference (11-13 June), some 160 senior police representatives from across the region and beyond, will address emerging security threats in Europe, fighting organized crime and the future challenges of policing. Migration, cyber-enabled crime and drug trafficking will also be discussed…

Wolfsberg Group responds to the UK’s HMT Consultation on the MLRs, addressing how to make CDD more proportionate and effective, and strengthening system coordination

This consultation is part of a broader initiative under the Economic Crime Plan 2023-26. Our response addresses two core themes of the consultation: making customer due diligence more proportionate and effective, and strengthening system coordination. We welcome the opportunity to contribute to these crucial discussions, aiming to increase the effectiveness and proportionality of the regulations for both regulated firms and their customers, thereby supporting the ongoing fight against economic crime….



FinCEN issues supplemental advisory on the illicit procurement of fentanyl precursor chemicals and manufacturing equipment

The supplemental advisory builds off FinCEN’s 2019 advisory with new typologies and red flags to identify and report suspicious transactions, and fulfills the requirement in Section 3202 of the recently enacted FEND Off Fentanyl Act.

OFSI updates Guidance on Maritime services ban and oil price cap

This guidance outlines obligations under the UK Maritime Services Ban and Oil Price Cap exception, as well as OFSI’s approach to implementation and enforcement. This should be considered supplementary to, and not a replacement for, OFSI’s general guidance. Further sources of information that may prove helpful can be found at the end of this guidance.

Govt of Canada announces additional sanctions against Russian government for its responsibility in death of Alexei Navalny

Canada announced additional sanctions on 13 Russian individuals in relation to the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny and Russia’s continued human rights abuses…

The Council of the EU has released reports on EU-wide crime-fighting initiatives, highlighting the 2023 results of EMPACT, the EU’s flagship tool for combating organised crime

The Council has published the results of the EU’s flagship instrument to fight organised crime, EMPACT, which stands for the European Multidisciplinary Platform Against Criminal Threats.


EBA publishes regulatory products under the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation​

The package of EBA regulatory products comprises:
Final draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on the use of asset-referenced tokens (ARTs) and electronic money tokens (EMTs) denominated in a non-EU currency as a means of exchange;
Final draft Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on the reporting obligations of issuers of ARTs and EMTs denominated in a non-EU currency, and of crypto-asset service providers (CASPs);
Guidelines (GL) on liquidity stress testing;
Final draft RTS on supervisory colleges.

APG re-rates Vietnam on Recommendation 13 in first follow-up report to the MER

Recommendation 13 requires additional measures to be applied to cross-border correspondent banking relationships, in addition to performing the CDD and enhanced due diligence (EDD) measures in FATF Recommendation 10 for high risk customers. Vietnam is re-rated to partially compliant.

GCFFC releases Financial Scams Report: An Assessment of Scams in Australia, Hong Kong SAR & Singapore

There are more than 20 main types or variety of scam types identified in this report, with some hybrids & others involving additional forms of criminality, leading to financial losses, lifestyle changing consequences, & changes to life with 500,000 people estimated as modern slavery/human trafficking victims forced into criminality to support romance baiting and numerous suicides from scams such as sextortion…

FCA assists the Met Police in the arrest of two individuals suspected of running an illegal cryptoasset exchange

More than £1 billion of unregistered cryptoassets are believed to have been bought and sold through this business.

APG reviews the progress made by Palau in fifth follow-up to the MER

Palau has been re-rated on R.22, R.23, R.28 and R.36, which they requested prior to follow-up. These Recommendations cover PEPs, DNFBPs and international instruments.