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United States seeks to forfeit more than $72 million involved in bribery and money scheme

The US filed a civil forfeiture complaint seeking to forfeit more than $72 million involved in a bribery and money laundering scheme centered around Ecuador’s public police pension fund (ISSPOL). As alleged in the complaint, from 2014 through 2020, more than $2.6 million…

US DoJ announces court-authorised action to disrupt illicit revenue generation efforts of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea IT workers

A court order issued in the Eastern District of Missouri seized 17 website domains used by DPRK information technology (IT) workers in a scheme to defraud U.S. and foreign businesses, evade sanctions and fund the development of the DPRK government’s weapons program.

EU Commission sets out new EU Roadmap of priority measures to fight organised crime and drug-trafficking

The Commission is adopting today an EU Roadmap to step up the fight against drug trafficking and criminal networks, building on the legislative and operational initiatives put forward so far.

FinCEN holds meeting with Israel’s Financial Intelligence Unit

FinCEN pledges redoubling of its efforts to combat the financing of terrorism alongside IMPA and other strategic FIU partners during this critical time, following Hamas’ brutal terrorist attacks on innocent civilians of October 7.

Global Financial Integrity analyses the legal framework for virtual assets in El Salvador and assesses financial crime risks

On September 7, 2021, El Salvador became the first country in the world to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender and has enacted a series of laws and regulations regarding virtual assets in preparation for its mutual evaluation by the Latin American Financial Action Group (GAFILAT).

Europol publishes “The Second Quantum Revolution: the impact of quantum computing and quantum technologies on law enforcement”

The report delves into the impact of quantum computing and quantum technologies on law enforcement to assess what can be done today to ensure a safe and secure transition to quantum computing and quantum technologies.

IMF assesses the potential effects of a downside scenario from ‘de-risking’ between China and OECD economies

Latest edition of Regional Economic Outlook looks at the potential impacts of de-risking in major economies on economic growth in China.

UK authorities criticised for failing to prosecute financial crime enablers and rich tax cheats

Prosecutors in UK have been accused of being too timid in targeting financial criminals, with two separate reports last month highlighting low levels of enforcement against both financiers tasked with reporting suspicious money flows and wealthy tax cheats…



European Parliament and Council calls for clear rules on EC’s AML package

The Parliament highlights that the rules on identifying customers’ beneficial owners “have to be calibrated correctly and fit well within customer due diligence processes”. It also indicates that the ‘control exercised via other means’ criteria needs to be clear, workable and enforceable…

Europol publishes analysis on the amphetamine market in the EU

The online modules of this report will provide a comprehensive overview of the European illicit markets.

US Treasury announces cyber security cooperation Memorandum of Understanding with the United Arab Emirates

MoU enhances cooperation in the following areas: Information sharing relating to the financial sector including cybersecurity information on incidents and threats;
Staff training and study visits to promote cooperation in the area of cybersecurity; and Competency-building activities such as the conduct of cross-border cybersecurity exercises.

$2.8b money laundering accused is IT company CEO but does not know where office is: DPPs

A man arrested in the $2.8 billion money laundering case claims to be the chief executive of a computer support firm, but does not even know where his office is. In fact, investigations show this firm is a shell company, prosecutors said…