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FinCEN proposes rulemaking on access to beneficial ownership information

The proposed regulations specify how govt officials would access beneficial ownership information to support law enforcement, national security, and intelligence activities. They also describe how certain financial institutions and their regulators would access…

NCA publishes SARs in Action – Issue 18

The NCA highlights the usefulness of SARs and how they contribute in the fight against different types of serious and organised crime. It covers information and guidance for anyone submitting a SAR relating to individuals who are vulnerable or where welfare concerns are…

AUSTRAC releases Australia’s first national proliferation financing risk assessment

The results of this assessment have found that Australia is primarily targeted by state-based or linked procurement networks that wish to exploit a range of sectors to export restricted, sensitive or dual-use goods and knowledge. Procurement networks targeting Australia …

UK Parliament approves section 339A(7) of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002(1)

The Proceeds of Crime Order increased the threshold amount from £250 to £1,000 as specified in section 339A of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (c. 29) (“POCA”). The threshold amount is the value of criminal property below which a bank or similar firm…

EU Commission publishes Fifth Progress Report on the implementation of the EU Security Union Strategy

The report shows that significant steps have been made in strengthening the protection of critical infrastructures from physical, cyber and hybrid attacks, in fighting terrorism and radicalisation, as well as in the fight against organised crime. Information on travellers has helped…

European Council agrees its position on an AML Regulation & AMLD6

The new EU AML/CFT rules will be extended to the entire crypto sector, obliging all crypto-asset service providers (CASPs) to conduct due diligence on their customers. This means that they will have to verify facts and information about their…

FCA publishes Consultation paper 22/26

The paper proposes to make consequential changes to: Chapter 19 of the Enforcement Guide which reflect the ML and TF (Amendment) (No. 2) Reg 2022, Training and Competence sourcebook, remove all derivative products referencing USD LIBOR…

EU Council agreed its position on an AML regulation and a new directive (AMLD6)

The Council demands CASPs to apply customer due diligence measures when carrying out transactions amounting to €1000 or more, and adds measures to mitigate risks in relation to transactions with self-hosted wallets…


MONEYVAL follow-up report on the Isle of Man

Isle of Man has made progress in addressing the TC deficiencies identified in its 5th Round MER, the country has not made sufficient progress to be re-rated. Steps have been taken to improve compliance with R.23, but gaps remain…

EU Council adopts position on due diligence rules for large companies

The due diligence directive lays down rules on obligations for large companies regarding actual and potential adverse impacts on human rights and the environment, with respect to their own operations, those of their subsidiaries, and those carried out by their business…

Wolfsberg principles for using Artificial intelligence and Machine learning in Financial crime compliance

The Principles are intended to guide FIs and their financial crime compliance leaders and risk management teams in identifying and managing the operational and reputational risks that may arise from the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning…

MONEYVAL issues report on AML/CFT in Georgia

Georgia has achieved full compliance with six of the 40 FATF recommendations constituting the international AML/CFT standard and retains minor deficiencies in the implementation of 22 recommendations where it has been found “largely compliant”…