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EU to host public hearing for selecting new AML authority’s home city

Nine candidates will present their bids to host the EU’s Anti-Money Laundering Authority at a public hearing in Brussels on January 30, a key step in the new process for selecting EU agency host cities…

HKMA consults on proposal for information sharing among authorized Institutions to aid in prevention or detection of crime

HKMA invites views from the banking sector and members of the public on its proposal to facilitate AI-to-AI information sharing, including legislative amendments to provide legal protection to AIs and safeguards to protect data privacy and customer confidentiality. The proposed arrangement is in line with similar developments in other international financial centres.

HKMA insight on how banks can contribute more to the fight against fraud and money laundering

HKMA’s new proposal facilitates bank collaboration in fighting digital fraud by legally enabling the sharing of suspicious activity data, with a focus on privacy. Open for public consultation, this initiative aims to bolster early fraud detection through secure data exchange, responding to the increasing digital financial crime threat…

Europol releases podcast on countering online terrorist propaganda

Covers Europol’s investigation into the propaganda network of the so-called Islamic State. From the first day of the investigation until final action days, let Europol agents, EU police and global crime experts take you inside this major counter terrorism operation.

NCA issues amber warning highlighting the sanctions evasion and ML risks presented to UK industries linked to the art storage sector

Art market participants are advised to ensure capacity to identify within their business any change in client status and suspicious activity relating to financial sanctions evasion, money laundering, cultural property trafficking, or other criminality.

EU sanctions six companies accused of ‘undermining stability’ in Sudan

The EU imposed sanctions on six companies responsible for trying to undermine stability in conflict-ravaged Sudan, largely targeting firms linked to weapons procurement and manufacturing. Sudan plunged into chaos last April when long-simmering tensions between the military, led by Gen. Abdel Fattah Burhan, and the Rapid Support Forces paramilitary…

HM Treasury Advisory Notice: ML and Terrorist Financing Controls in High-Risk Third Countries

Outlines enhanced customer due diligence requirements that UK companies are required to observe with respect to high-risk jurisdictions…

FCA charges individual with fraud over unauthorised investment scheme

Mr Flintham, based in Blackburn, Lancashire, defrauded around 240 investors by making false representations to persuade them to invest approximately £19m in an investment scheme operated by him. He made a number of fraudulent claims to investors, including about how the scheme was operated and the profits they could and were making via the scheme. He falsified documents in order to support some of his claims…

Home Office proscribes Hizb ut-Tahrir as terrorist group

This order makes belonging to Hizb ut-Tahrir or inviting support for the group a criminal offence, with a potential prison sentence of 14 years which can be handed down alongside or in place of a fine.

ICBC agrees to pay $32.4m to US regulators over AML lapses, unauthorised use and disclosure of confidential supervisory information

The Bank failed to improve compliance program, failed to report backdated documents, and disclosed confidential supervisory information without authorisation. Regulated institutions must be held accountable for failing to adhere to New York’s rigorous legal and regulatory standards…

FINTRAC issues special bulletin on laundering the proceeds of crime through online gambling sites

Provides background and updated information on online gambling intended to support reporting entities in Canada, especially those involved in online gambling, as well as banks and money services businesses, including payment service providers.

EU Parliament MEPs reach deal on a single rulebook against ML and TF

The new bills provide access to beneficial ownership information and give more powers to Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs) to analyse and detect money laundering and terrorist financing cases as well as to suspend suspicious transactions.