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US DoT has issued a request for information on the potential uses, opportunities and risks of AI in the financial services sector

US DoT is actively promoting responsible innovation in AI in financial institutions, enhancing understanding through stakeholder engagement. The government administration is committed to fostering innovation while protecting consumers, investors, and the financial system…

The EU has implemented a new sanctions regime in response to significant human rights violations in Russia

The EU has adopted Council Decisions and Regulations to impose sanctions on individuals involved in Russia’s human rights abuses. The new regime proposed by Josep Borrell allows EU authorities to target financial, technical, or material supporters and imposes trade restrictions on Russian-exported equipment for internal repression…

OFSI has reissued a Russia-related general license allowing the use of banking services of designated financial institutions

OFSI issued General License on May 28, 2024 allowing individuals to use retail banking services for personal use, with a maximum payment value of £50,000 and expiring on May 27, 2026. Relevant Institutions processing payments under General License must report payment details to HM Treasury within 14 days maintain accurate records of transactions for 6 years…

Europol has designated three leaders of the Kinahan Cartel as high value targets, with the US DoS offering a reward for their arrest

Global operation is needed to locate dangerous fugitives, as they are interconnected and collaborate globally requiring arrest of key facilitators or leaders to disrupt multiple criminal operations…

ICIJ reported that a whistleblower has accused the US of ignoring evidence that Standard Chartered Bank served suspicious Iranian clients

Standard Chartered has forfeited $227million to the US DoJ for illegally moving millions of dollars through the US financial system between 2001 and 2007 for entities in Iran and other sanctioned countries. The settlements, known as deferred prosecution agreements, have been extended since 2012…

Global Witness: The state oil company in the UAE secured $100billion in deals during its year as COP28 host

27 US Senate and House members criticized the idea of a fossil fuel champion in climate negotiations arguing it could undermine the goal…

China’s AML legislation is being improved to effectively combat wildlife crime

China’s current legislation and enforcement hinder the successful enforcement of IWT-related AML investigations due to its narrow scope of criminal intent and limited recognition of wildlife crime as a predicate ML offense, excluding broader wildlife crimes like poaching and illegal logging…

US DOJ issues first-ever declination to prosecute a company that self-disclosed possible sanctions or export violations

US DoJ decided not to prosecute MillporeSigma due to factors such as voluntary self-disclosure of potential export control violations, full cooperation with investigators, and timely remediation of the alleged misconduct. These factors allowed law enforcement to identify culpable individuals, disrupt the scheme, seize illegal shipments, establish probable cause, and obtain guilty pleas from key participants…

Europol addresses the crackdown on money mule service providers which has resulted in the ML of over 10m euros

The investigation reveals a crime group targeting millionaires for rip-deal scams, outsourcing money laundering to two other networks, who recruited money mules for commission-based transactions. The scammers, lacking technical expertise, delegated criminal processes to external service providers, increasing their threat as they could be met by other criminal actors through financial exchange…

Eurojust addresses that the Western Balkans’ Chief Prosecutors are enhancing cooperation to combat cross-border crime

The Forum, part of Eurojust’s WBCJ project, aims to enhance cross-border cooperation in criminal matters within the Western Balkans and the EU through financial, knowledge, and technical support. The project primarily focused on drug trafficking, ML , and counterfeiting, supporting 13 cases between Western Balkan partners and EU Member States…

MoneyVal addresses Bulgaria has enhanced its preventive framework to combat ML and terrorism financing

The country has complied with ten FATF Recommendations, including national cooperation, politically exposed persons, money transfer services, internal controls and CDD. Moneyval add resses that Bulgaria has taken numerous steps to strengthen its AML/CFT…

Swissinfo Ch: Moldovan police are conducting raids to uncover a plot to block Interpol.

Interpol, issues a red notice to global law enforcement for the detention of individuals awaiting extradition, surrender, or similar legal proceedings…