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ESAs launch joint Call for Evidence on greenwashing

EBA, EIOPA and ESMA published a Call for Evidence on greenwashing to gather input from stakeholders on how to understand the key features, drivers and risks associated with greenwashing and to collect examples of potential greenwashing practices. Due to the growing demand for sustainability-related products…

GFI analyzes crypto threats in five Latin American countries

GFI analyzes the benefits and risks of crypto, the changing crypto environment in the region, and the responses from governments, the private sector, academia and civil society. This report is not focused on the technical aspects of cryptocurrencies, but rather on the financial
crime risks…

HMT issues advisory note on ML/TF controls in high-risk third countries

The advisory note contains advice issued by HMT about risks posed by jurisdictions with unsatisfactory ML/TF controls. It sets out which jurisdictions will be included in forthcoming amendment to Schedule 3ZA of the MLR. This list replicates those countries listed by the FATF as high risk, or under increased monitoring…

Egmont Group publishes Annual report 2020/2021

This report covers EG activities between July 2020 and July 2021, including: work completed, Results from the 2021 Egmont Biennial Census, Working Group developments, Activities of the Egmont Centre of FIU Excellence & Leadership (ECOFEL), Regional Group developments, strategic initiatives in action…

GAFILAT Mutual Evaluation Report of Paraguay

Paraguay’s AML/CFT system has improved significantly since its last evaluation. There is a more robust legal and institutional framework to fight against ML/TF and the FPWMD. However, there is a limited control of the cross-border transportation of cash and securities, which, considering the geographical situation of the country…

Central Bank of Russia addresses digital assets & decentralised finance in latest consultation reports 

The Bank of Russia released two consultation reports discussing blockchain-based assets, focusing on the use of digital assets, and the other one is dedicated to decentralized finance (DeFi). It admits the benefits of blockchain, including the reduction of intermediaries…

GFI report on trade-based money laundering & illicit supply chains

This research notes that the China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) transport projects have significantly increased trade within the corridor economies as well as the rest of the world. This has heightened the proliferation of counterfeit and illicit goods disguised as illicit goods…

HMRC list on Suspension & cancellation of AML supervision

HMRC publishes updated list of businesses whose registration for AML supervision has been suspended or cancelled from 2022. This information is published in accordance with The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds Regulations 2017…

Wolfsberg publishes Financial Crime Principles for Correspondent Banking

The Principles detail risk-based due diligence measures that, when undertaken, allow the Correspondent Bank to assess the profile, customer base and Financial Crime Programme of its Respondent customers. These will assist Correspondent Banks in developing a programme…

FATF announces the outcomes of latest Plenary

FATF members agreed to release, for public consultation, draft guidance on Rec. 24 to help countries and the private sector implement FATF’s strengthened requirements on beneficial ownership to prevent criminals from hiding illicit activity behind opaque…

Basel launches AML Index for 2022

Basel launches AML Index for 2022 which ranks countries with sufficient data to calculate a reliable risk score. It is a snapshot of global ML/TF risks and progress by countries and regions over time. The interactive map displays scores for 128 countries…

Europol law enforcement report on policing in the metaverse

Europol issues report for law enforcement on policing in the metaverse which aims to help police chiefs, law enforcement agencies and policy makers to begin to grasp this new environment so that they can adapt and prepare for policing in the metaverse…