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MAS updates its Terrorist Financing National Risk Assessment for Singapore

Update takes into account key developments since the last TF NRA in 2020, such as the evolving global and regional terrorism landscape, growth of the digital economy and financial services in Asia, and emerging TF risk typologies. Similar to 2020, the 2024 TF NRA has observed that the TF threat of raising and moving funds for terrorists and terrorism activities overseas remains pertinent in Singapore’s context. Self-radicalised individuals continue to pose the most salient TF threat to Singapore.

Wolfsberg Group issues statement on effective monitoring for suspicious activity

The Group does not believe that the value being derived from the (constantly increasing) volume of SARs/STRs is contributing proportionately to effective outcomes in the fight against financial crime.

Europol summarises the organisation’s mission in a new briefing

The latest edition of Europol in Brief answers these questions and more, and explains how exactly the agency works, who works there and what each of Europol’s five crime centres focus on.

Europol publishes consolidated annual activity report covering 2023

This Consolidated Annual Activity Report covers the period from 1 January to 31 December 2023 and presents the progress made to achieve the objectives deriving from Europol’s Strategy through the implementation of the 2023 Annual Work Programme1.

Council of the EU imposes sanctions on six individuals for undermining stability and political transition of Sudan

Among the newly listed individuals is Abdulrahman Juma Barakallah, a RSF General in West Darfur accused of atrocities, ethnically motivated killings, attacks on human rights defenders, conflict-related sexual violence, and community destruction. The sanctions also target the RSF’s financial adviser and a Mahamid clan tribal leader linked to the RSF in West Darfur…

EPPO has indicted three Croatian citizens and one company for subsidy fraud and document forgery after investigating their fraudulent acquisition of SME financial support

The investigation has found grounds to suspect that the individuals set up a chain of companies owned and managed by them to prove their eligibility to obtain financial support for SMEs. They are understood to have presented falsified investment plans and invoices for non-existent transactions, as well as unreliable corporate balance sheets that indicated a thriving business…

Reuters: Panama’s court has acquitted individuals accused of ML connected to the Panama Papers and “Operation Car Wash” scandals

Judge Marquinez also imposed fines on witnesses who failed to comply with summonses and noted that evidence from Mossack Fonseca’s servers lacked proper chain of custody. In relation to Operation Car Wash, a large-scale corruption investigation originating in Brazil, Marquinez concluded that it couldn’t be proven funds from illicit sources entered Panama to conceal crimes…

Financial Times: U.S. federal law enforcement officials stated that suspects chose Citigroup ATMs for ML due to operational advantages

US prosecutors revealed that drug traffickers chose Citigroup for ML due to its perceived weaker fraud controls. In January 2021, two California residents deposited nearly $36,000 in illicit cash at Citi ATMs by splitting the amount into smaller transactions to avoid detection. The Drug Enforcement Administration reported that the duo, allegedly part of a network laundered at least $50m, chose Citi after evaluating several banks…

FATF launches a transformative e-book titled “Breaking Barriers: Empowering Women Leaders in the Fight Against Financial Crime” to inspire the next generation of female leaders

Its goal is to connect accomplished mentors with aspiring professionals, fostering a dynamic exchange of knowledge and perspectives to enhance global financial crime prevention efforts. The e-book features insightful stories from experienced leaders in the FATF and its Global Network…

UNODC publishes report on the impact of transnational organised crime on stability and development in the Sahel

Considers the impacts of transnational organised crime on: peace and security; human rights; governance and rule of law; and sustainable development. The six illicit market examined within this report are: trafficking in drugs, fuel, gold, firearms, medical products, and smuggling of migrants.

Chartered Institute of Taxation responds to UK HMT consultation on improving the effectiveness of AML regulations

Recommends improvements to the proposals that would see money laundering regulations being more explicit about ‘who’ within a firm would be subject to regulatory scrutiny. The CIO also urges that new regulations allow for HMRC to consider professional body exclusion, or AML misconduct, as a relevant factor to refuse supervision.

MAS sets out approach towards the recovery of illicit funds and assets from criminals, and the forfeiture of these assets or their return to victims

Between January 2019 and June 2024, Singapore seized S$6 bn linked to criminal and ML activities. S$416 mn has been returned to the victims, and S$1 bn has been forfeited to the State. The large bulk of the remainder is linked to ongoing investigations or court proceedings.