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FinCEN on BSA due diligence for ATM owners

FinCEN issued a statement to provide clarity to banks on how to apply a RBA to conducting CDD on independent ATM owners or operators. Some independent ATM owners and operators have reported difficulty in obtaining and maintaining access to banking services…

FATF on G7 countries’ fight against ML/TF

FATF President Marcus Pleyer asks the G7 countries to lead by example and effectively tackle the anonymity of corporate beneficiaries & regulate shell companies. FATF evaluations show that only 9% of countries have effectively implemented laws dealing with shell companies…

Wolfsberg Group Effectiveness through collaboration

The Wolfsberg Group calls for empowered Public-Private Partnerships and better information-sharing frameworks with respect to AML/CTF Both government and industry increasingly recognise the urgent need for national authorities to establish national priorities so that FIs can…

FATF Mutual Evaluation report of the UK

The UK remains compliant given the mechanisms in place to ensure the compatibility of AML/CFT requirements with rules on data protection and confidentiality and to promote the exchange of information among competent authorities….

GRECO Fourth Compliance Report on San Marino

The Report recognised the good level of transparency of legislative work in San Marino, but expressed reservation about the possibility provided by law to resort to secret voting in some circumstances (i.e. personal appointments and laws of high ethical content)…

FCA on market abuse and manipulation

The data the FCA collects and analyses is complimented by Suspicious Transaction and Order Reports sent to the FCA by market participants when they have ‘reasonable grounds’ to suspect market abuse, such as insider dealing, or market manipulation…

JMLSG proposed amendments to Motor Finance sector

The requirements set out in the MLRs and the JMLSG Guidance are the minimum legal requirements that all FLA motor finance members must comply with in the battle against money laundering, fraud and terrorist funding. Members will undertake appropriate steps to identify…

FATF summarises Plenary outcomes held in June 2022

FATF members approved a report that will help the real estate sector to better detect and prevent money laundering, and finalised a targeted update on implementation of the FATF requirements on virtual assets and virtual asset service providers….

GRECO 4th Evaluation Compliance Report on San Marino 

GRECO recommended that measures be taken to ensure effective supervision and enforcement of integrity-related rules (declaration requirements and standards of conduct) for parliamentarians…

FATF on jurisdictions with AML & other deficiencies

FATF does not call for the application of enhanced due diligence measures to be applied to these jurisdictions, but encourages its members and all jurisdictions to take into account the information presented below in their risk analysis…

FATF removes Malta from grey list and adds Gibraltar

FATF congratulated Malta for the significant progress it has made in addressing the strategic AML/CFT deficiencies previously identified by the FATF and included in its action plan. Malta will no longer be subject to the FATF’s increased monitoring process….

HM Treasury consultation outcome on MLRs

HMT publishes outcome of consultation on proposals to make some time-sensitive updates to the MLRs, required to ensure that the UK continues to meet international standards, whilst also strengthening and ensuring clarity on how the AML regime operates…