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Sweden mulls higher penalties for Money Laundering Act breaches

Swedish lawmakers will consider a proposal to increase penalty fees for gambling operators that breach the country’s Money Laundering Act. The proposal provides better opportunities to combat criminal activity in connection with gambling including proposals for a…

UK announces new legislation regarding Ukrainian compensation and Russian Sanctions

The UK Govt announced plans to tighten its sanctions policy against Russia, including introducing legislation to keep assets frozen until Moscow has agreed to pay compensation to Ukraine. The new measures will require any individual who has been designated under the…

Firms should invest in KYC & model “good” customer transactions to reduce pile-up of monitoring alerts

Many firms’ pivot to digital on-boarding has prioritized speed over collecting enough information to determine whether transactions are suspicious. Experts say it has created an inefficient, expensive process where AML analysts are sifting through thousands of alerts looking…

EBA publishes report on ML/TF risks associated with EU payment institutions

The EBA findings suggest that ML/TF risks in the sector may not be assessed and managed effectively by institutions and their supervisors. A more robust implementation by supervisors and institutions of provisions in these guidelines will mitigate the sector’s…

SEBI tightens its definition of beneficial ownership under its AML Guidelines

According to the amended guidelines, any individual or group holding 10% ownership in the client of a ‘reporting entity’ will now be considered a beneficial owner as against the ownership threshold of 25% applicable earlier. These entities were required to maintain KYC…

ESAAMLG completes its mutual evaluation of Angola’s AML/ CFT system

Angola should take necessary steps to collect information necessary to assess and understand the ML/TF scale/magnitude through review of the NRA or any other risk assessment process including risks from VASPs, legal persons and arrangements and NPOs…

UK Govt proposes amendments to the Economic Crime Bill to significantly expand the corporate criminal liability for economic crimes through reform of the ‘identification doctrine’

The proposals seek to amend the existing “identification doctrine” to allow for the actions of senior managers, acting within the actual or apparent scope of their authority, to fix the entity with liability with respect to a comprehensive list of economic crimes, including fraud…

Herald Scotland: How hundreds of foreign property owners stayed hidden in Scotland

A “loophole” in new legislation means more than half of the offshore entities which own hundreds of Scottish properties including estates, forests and castles are allowed to remain secret…

EU extends sanctions targeting Russian businesspersons to include immediate family members and others

These amendments were made on the basis that leading Russian business persons have engaged in a systematic practice of distributing their funds and assets amongst their immediate family members and others in order to hide their assets, circumvent sanctions and maintain…

Europol issues Annual EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (TE-SAT)

The report provides an overview of the terrorism phenomenon in the EU in a given year. It offers law enforcement officials, policymakers and the general public facts and figures on terrorism in the EU, while also identifying developing trends in this crime area, based on…

OFSI issues new Oil Price Cap Guidance and General Licence INT/2023/3074680

OFSI issued General Licence permitting the trade in oil derivatives and futures previously prevented by regulation 46Z9C of the Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019. The exemptions will apply to individuals, organisations and brokers trading in…

The White House issues Fact sheet on the ongoing efforts to stem firearms trafficking to Mexico

Drug traffickers’ supply of firearms enables them to grow their enterprises and move deadly drugs, including illicit fentanyl, into the US. They use these weapons, which consist of everything from handguns to high caliber and assault weapons, against the Mexican people…