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UNODC on Ukraine’s conflict on drug demand & supply

Seizure data suggest that heroin trafficking through Ukraine has been slowly increasing since the turn of the century, with some larger
quantities seized after 2015. Heroin transiting Ukraine is often smuggled from Afghanistan…

Malta FIAU issues Guidance Note on MLRO

The FIAU trusts that this Guide will enhance subject persons’ understanding of the importance of this role and ensure that anyone appointed as MLRO or holding the said position is able to exercise the associated functions in an effective manner…

EBA revised guidelines on risk-based supervision

The revised Guidelines on risk-based supervision set out the steps supervisors should take to ensure adequate AML/CFT oversight of their sector and support the adoption, by credit and financial institutions, of effective ML/TF risk management policies and procedures…

EC removes the Bahamas from AML blacklist

The Bahamas was removed from the European Commission’s List of Third-country Jurisdictions which have strategic deficiencies in their AML/CFT Regimes (AML Blacklist). This decision was finalized after The Bahamas was assessed under…

European Commission consults on the digital Euro

For a digital euro to be used as the single currency, concurrently with euro banknotes and coins, it would require a Regulation of the co-legislator, upon a proposal by the Commission, on the basis of Article 133 TFUE…

Crypto assets: new rules to stop illicit flows in the EU

Crypto-assets’ transfers would need to be traced and identified to prevent their use in money laundering, terrorist financing, and other crimes. All transfers of crypto-assets will have to include information on the source of the asset and its beneficiary…

US DoJ convicts banker for FCPA violations & ML

US DoJ convicts former Goldman Sachs investment banker for FCPA violations and money laundering in connections with 1MDB.  He participated in a massive bribery and ML scheme involving the corruption…

HMT response to consultation of crypto assets and Stablecoin 

HMT published response to its earlier consultation and call for evidence on the UK regulatory approach to cryptoassets, stablecoins and distributed ledger technology (DLT) in the financial markets…

NCA releases March edition of SARs in Action

The scale of money laundering impacting the UK is in excess of £100bn a year. This is through abuse of UK financial institutions, UK company structures, markets and property. A significant portion is linked to corrupt elites…

Wolfsberg Guidance on digital customer lifecycle risk management 

The Guidance on Digital Customer Lifecycle Risk Management explores how non-face to-face digital engagement could be considered a standard, or even lower risk channel for an FI by further developing three core AML/CTF controls…

GRECO 2nd Interim Compliance Report of 4th Evaluation Round on Serbia

GRECO recommended that the transparency of the legislative process be further improved (i) by ensuring that draft legislation, amendments to such drafts and the agendas and outcome of committee sittings are disclosed in a timely manner…

GRECO Addendum to the 2nd Compliance Report of 4th Evaluation Round on France 

GRECO recommended that the conditions relating to the use of parliamentary assistants and collaborators, the operational expenses allowance and the parliamentary reserve facility be thoroughly reformed to ensure the transparency, accountability and supervision…