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Belgium consults on digital assets classification

The FSMA provides clarity about when crypto-assets may be considered to be securities, investment instruments or financial instruments and may therefore fall within the scope of the prospectus legislation and/or the MiFID conduct of business rules…

Board of Governors Joint Statement on RBA & CDD

Banks must apply a risk-based approach to CDD, including when developing the risk profiles of their customers. More specifically, banks must adopt appropriate risk-based procedures for conducting ongoing CDD that, among other things, enable banks to: (i) understand the nature…

RUSI on problems with Economic Crime Policing

Economic crimes underpin serious organised crime; cybercrimes enable fraud. All these crimes intersect with local policing priorities like county lines and human trafficking. Despite the interlinking nature of the threat, economic crime suffers from a disproportionate…

OFAC Fact Sheet on Digital Assets

OFAC issues fact sheet on the framework for international engagement on digital assets. The EO directs the Administration to promote development of digital asset and central bank digital currencies (CBDC) technologies consistent with our values and legal requirements…

US DoJ on money transfer company on AML failures 

US DoJ announces guilty plea of money transfer company, Ping Express, in relation to AML failures. The company – which was licensed to transmit money but was not licensed to conduct currency exchange – charged U.S. customers a fee to remit money to beneficiaries…

EP on the scope of ML powers entrusted to EBA

European Parliament proposes to broaden the scope of ML powers entrusted to the European Banking Authority. The objectives are to maintain financial stability in the EU and to guarantee the integrity, efficiency and effective functioning of the banking sector…

HMRC consults taxation of decentralised finance

The government aims to establish clear tax and regulatory treatment of cryptoassets to place the UK at the forefront of safe, sustainable, and rapid innovation in cryptoasset and blockchain technologies. DLT uses cryptography to maintain a decentralised database acting…

HMT ML advisory notice: high-risk third countries

Businesses are required to apply enhanced customer due diligence and enhanced ongoing monitoring in any business relationship with a person established in a high-risk third country or in relation to any relevant transaction where either…

HMRC Guidance on Accountancy sector for ML supervision

The guidance helps accountancy related businesses meet their obligations for money laundering supervision, including customer due diligence, record keeping and reporting suspicious activity intended for those who provides audit, accountancy, tax advisory, insolvency…

UK Report on Cost of Complacency: illicit finance

UK Foreign Affairs Committee publishes its report on The Cost of Complacency: illicit finance and the war in Ukraine, calling for a substantial increase in funding and expert resourcing for the NCA, SFO and other responsible agencies…

Basel on bank’s cryptoasset exposures

Basel Committee publishes second consultation document on the prudential treatment of banks’ cryptoasset exposures. Unbacked cryptoassets and stablecoins with ineffective stabilisation mechanisms continue to be subject to a conservative prudential treatment

UK Govt Report on The Cost of Complacency: illicit finance and the war in Ukraine

The report underlines the imperative of implementing beneficial ownership rules and robust reform of Companies House, including new powers for the company registrar to verify information to ensure accuracy as well as discretionary powers to remove corporate entities…