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FATF issues a call to action to high risk jurisdictions

FATF calls on all members and urges all jurisdictions to apply enhanced due diligence, and, in the most serious cases, countries are called upon to apply counter-measures to protect the international financial system from the( ML/TF/PF) risks emanating from the country…

FATF on the financing of ISIL, Al Qaeda & affiliates 

Proceeds generated from criminal activities remain an important financing source for ISIL. In response to its decreased revenue, ISIL has focused on looting local civilians and businesses, and has generated funds through kidnapping for ransom, extortion of oil networks…

The race to redefine cross-border finance

It is seeking to link instant-payment networks across countries, in order to make transfers seamless. Whoever wins the race to redefine cross-border payments will determine the future shape of the financial system—and who holds sway over…

AFME paper on AML Transaction Monitoring in the Markets Sector

A small number of firms have demonstrated that it is possible to monitor effectively through the use of a hybrid approach blend. Firms using a hybrid approach are deploying more markets-specific AML TM coupled with intelligence led investigations…

FinCEN on customer identity verification requirements

FinCEN grants limited exceptive relief to casinos from certain customer identity verification requirements in the context of online gaming.
A casino may utilize suitable non-documentary methods to verify the identity of online customers…

FinCEN’s 314(a) Fact Sheet

FinCEN’s regulations under Section 314(a) enable federal, state, local, and foreign (EU) law enforcement agencies to reach out to more than 34,000 points of contact at more than 14,000 FIs to locate accounts and transactions of persons that may be involved in terrorism or ML…

ESA sectoral reports on supervisory independence

The EBA, EIOPA and ESMA published their individual reports on the supervisory independence of competent authorities (CAs) in their sectors. The reports highlight that the independence of CAs is multi-faceted and dependent on a number of legal, institutional, operational and…

FinCEN report on ransomware trends in Bank Secrecy Act data

FinCEN identified several ML typologies common among ransomware variants in 2021 including threat actors increasingly requesting payments in Anonymity-enhanced Cryptocurrencies (AECs) and avoiding reusing wallet addresses, “chain hopping” and cashing out…

OECD responds to the ‘Pandora Papers’ leaks 

The ICIJ released information relating to its review of data leaks referred to as the Pandora Papers. As a result of the strong partnerships established through its JITSIC Network, the OECD Forum on Tax Administration (FTA) is well positioned to enable a collaborative approach…


US Members of Congress announces the Enablers Act

The ENABLERS Act would impose stronger due diligence requirements on such U.S.-based middlemen, to ensure that the US never again facilitates the corruption and dictatorship we claim to oppose by giving kleptocrats and criminals a safe haven for the money they steal…

How poor countries finance the rich?

Each year hundreds of billions of dollars leave developing countries and land in the coffers of rich countries like Switzerland. This trend “contradicts the neoclassic economic theories, according to which capital should naturally circulate from rich countries to those lacking capital…

GRECO 4th Evaluation compliance report on Monaco

GRECO welcomes the introduction of the new National Council Rules of procedure and their accompanying implementing measures, which should strengthen considerably the transparency of the legislative process and the visibility of parliamentarians’ activities…