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FBI establishes New Virtual Assets Unit

The FBI announced the creation of the Virtual Assets Unit (VAU), where intelligence, technology, and operational support will flow to other divisions. In the VAU, virtual currency experts and cross-divisional…

FCA on the Chancellor’s call to stop investing in Russia

Regulated firms have already taken steps to avoid new investment in the Russian economy. Many asset managers and pension providers have written down any Russian assets already held by the fund or scheme to zero, and some have announced that they are intending…

US EO targeting Russian trade & investments

US issues Executive Order on Prohibiting Certain Imports, Exports, and New Investment with Respect to Continued Russian Federation Aggression. In conjunction with this EO, the White House also released a Fact Sheet that announced coordinated actions with the EU…

FATF recommendations on ML/TF & WMD proliferation

The FATF Recommendations set out a comprehensive and consistent framework of measures which countries should implement in order to combat ML/TF, as well as the financing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Countries have diverse legal, administrative…

UK Parliament: Sanctions against Russia

In response to Russian military action in Ukraine, Western allies and other partners across the globe have begun to impose an unprecedented package of coordinated sanctions against Russia…

EU parliament demands end to ‘golden passports’

The European Parliament has voted to end the practice of EU countries selling citizenship and visas to rich individuals, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine with many wealthy Russians having received EU passports in exchange for significant investments…

Europol arrests targeting trafficking in cultural goods

A global operation targeting illicit trafficking in cultural goods has led to 52 arrests and the seizure of 9 408 cultural artefacts across the world. These priceless items include archaeological objects, furniture, coins, paintings, musical instruments and statuettes…

Venezuelan prosecutors charged with ML for receiving bribes

Two former senior Venezuelan prosecutors have been charged with money laundering for their receipt of bribes in exchange for agreeing not to pursue criminal charges against certain individuals in Venezuela…

Europol threat assessment of IP crime

This report shows that counterfeiting is a very lucrative activity for the criminals and criminal networks involved. This highlights the importance of the decision to once again make Intellectual property crime an enforcement priority in the fight against organised crime…

TI Madagascar’s plan to pull rosewood stockpiles out of CITES

Madagascar will propose a new approach to managing its extremely valuable rosewood stockpiles at the 74th meeting of the Standing Committee (SC74). TI and EIA believe this approach will lead to laundering and a lack of transparency and accountability…

MAS announces first Singaporean Presidency of FATF

At the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Plenary that ended on 4 March 2022, the Plenary officially selected Mr. T. Raja Kumar as its next President, to replace Dr. Marcus Pleyer. Mr. Raja will assume office on 1 July 2022 for a fixed two-year term…

UK Finance Bill 2022 – the Economic Crime Levy

UK government published the Finance Act 2022 providing for a new tax called the economic crime (anti-money laundering) levy. The new levy will apply to ‘persons’, including companies and partnerships, regulated under the MLRs. All persons subject to AML regulations…