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Bribery & Corruption

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Institute for Public Policy Research examines the human rights impacts of the Fishrot corruption scandal

This is the second human rights report looking at the impact of the Fishrot scandal on the lives of fisheries workers. “Right Now I Cannot Survive” highlights the continued struggles faced by those deeply affected by Namibia’s most high-profile corruption case.

Financial Times: Police raid French football league and CVC in corruption investigation

French investigators raided the French Football League and private equity firm CVC Capital Partners as part of a probe into potential corruption and embezzlement linked to an investment deal. The investigation, which began in July, involves allegations of misappropriation of public funds, corruption, and illegal interests…

Basel releases a practical guide for anti-corruption agencies: ‘Engaging the private sector in Collective Action against corruption’

Guide is designed to help government institutions, in particular national anti-corruption agencies, engage with the private sector more effectively to prevent corruption.

Oxfam warns that up to $41b in World Bank climate finance is unaccounted for

An Oxfam audit of the World Bank’s 2017-2023 climate finance portfolio found that between $24 billion and $41 billion in climate finance went unaccounted for between the time projects were approved and when they closed.

TI issues a White Paper on ‘Business Integrity: A toolkit for medium-sized enterprises’

This updated toolkit from Transparency International and the World Economic Forum empowers companies to embed integrity deeply, moving beyond compliance through practical guidance on anti-corruption policies, conflict-of-interest management, and complaints handling.

OECD reviews Thailand’s legal and policy framework for fighting foreign bribery

The report analyses Thailand’s criminal legislation, the sanctions applicable to individuals and legal entities that commit bribery, and Thailand’s track record in the investigation and prosecution of bribery offences. It also examines international cooperation rules, including mutual legal assistance and extradition, as well as the non-tax deductibility of bribes.

US DoJ orders Telefónica Venezolana to pay over $85m to resolve foreign bribery investigation

Follows an investigation by the Justice Department into a scheme to bribe government officials in Venezuela to receive preferential access to U.S. dollars in a currency auction.

EU is finalising its first Anti-Corruption Directive, focusing on public and private sector accountability and corporate liability, with the EP set to finalise this landmark law

The Directive is poised to significantly impact financial crime compliance across both the public and private sectors, while strengthening broader efforts to tackle corruption. The key highlights proposes a mechanism for removing immunity from high-level officials in cases of serious criminal offenses, introduces corporate liability for failing to prevent bribery and corruption…

GRECO finds that Slovenia has made insufficient progress in implementing anti-corruption recommendations in latest compliance report

Report states that tangible actions are required on an integrity plan for the government, managing conflicts of interests and carrying out substantive checks of asset declarations.

OECD reports that Austria has made important progress in the enforcement of the foreign bribery offence but it must improve its framework for the implementation of the Anti-Bribery Convention

The Working Group recommends that, among other things, Austria: clarify interpretative issues related to the foreign bribery offence and the corporate liability regime, address a concern regarding the statute of limitations to allow adequate time for investigation and prosecution, proactively pursue criminal charges against legal persons, urgently take meaningful steps to revise the current framework to shield prosecutors from undue interference prohibited under Article 5 of the Anti-Bribery Convention…

OECD WG on Bribery reports that Romania is progressing in implementing the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention but needs to improve its foreign bribery legislation and detection mechanisms

The 46-country OECD Working Group on Bribery has just completed its Phase 2 evaluation of Romania’s implementation of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention and recommends that Romania: amend its foreign bribery offence to fully align it with the Convention, increase sanctions available in foreign bribery cases and ensure that proceeds can be confiscated ,develop a strategy for detecting and reporting foreign bribery cases, clarify and enhance its foreign bribery whistleblowing framework…


EPPO Luxembourg assumes control of an investigation into procurement fraud linked to a political party

EPPO in Luxembourg has taken over an investigation from the Luxembourg State Prosecutor into a political party suspected of procurement fraud, document forgery, and ML. This inquiry stemming from a spring 2023 audit, focuses on two contracts awarded to the party by the Luxembourgish National Reception Office in 2016 and 2017, aimed at developing a language translation tool for refugees…