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Bribery & Corruption

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A page dedicated to global, regional, UK and US anti-money laundering developments and initiatives.

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Basel on informal networks & anti-corruption practice

The Basel Institute of Governance policy brief explains what this means and its implications for anti-corruption practice. Research shows that conventional anti-corruption measures, such as introducing more regulations, policies and controls, can actually backfire and increase corruption…



GRECO 5th Evaluation Compliance Report on Belgium

GRECO has made public its Fifth Evaluation Round Compliance Report on Belgium, which deals with preventing corruption and promoting integrity in central governments (top executive functions) and law enforcement agencies…

GRECO 5th Compliance Report on the Slovak Republic 

GRECO has made public its Fifth Evaluation Round Compliance Report on the Slovak Republic, which deals with preventing corruption and promoting integrity in central governments (top executive functions) and law enforcement agencies…

Home Office Framework on asset return

The purpose of this Framework is to ensure consistency, transparency, and accountability in HMG’s process of returning funds to other countries, where those funds are in scope of this Framework…

OECD data on enforcement of Anti-Bribery Convention

The 2020 data distinguish foreign bribery from other related offences covered by the Convention, in particular accounting misconduct and money laundering related to the bribery of foreign public officials…

SFO confiscation against former Petrofac executive 

The SFO has secured a confiscation order worth over £140,000 against Petrofac’s former Head of Sales for making corrupt payments and offers to influence the awarding of oil and gas contracts for Petrofac in Iraq, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates…


OECD Anti-Bribery Recommendation 2021

The OECD Anti-Bribery Convention establishes legally binding standards to criminalise bribery of foreign public officials in international business transactions, and provides a host of measures to make this effective.

OECD new online portal for Public Integrity Indicators

The OECD Public Integrity Indicators establish a new benchmark for government resilience to corruption risks and for strengthening public integrity. Based on primary data sources and validated by countries, the Indicators help…

US Global ‘Summit for Democracy’

US holds global ‘Summit for Democracy’ defending against authoritarianism, combating corruption, and promoting respect for human rights. A second Summit will be held next year, in which the U.S. Govt intends to be in-person…

UNODC Global Report on Corruption in Sport

The Report breaks down an extensive range of issues, analysing the role of illegal betting, competition manipulation, abuse in sport, the susceptibility of major sporting events to corruption, and the involvement of organized crime, among others…

US Treasury sanctions on international anti-corruption day

Corruption thrives in the financial shadows-in shell corporations that disguise owners’ true identities, in offshore jurisdictions with lax anti-money laundering regulations, and in complex structures that allow the wealthy to hide their income from government authorities…

White House national strategy on countering corruption 

The Strategy outlines the approach to elevating the fight against corruption emphasizing on better understanding and responding to the threat’s transnational dimensions, including by taking additional steps to reduce the ability of corrupt actors to use the U.S. and…