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GRECO calls on Monaco to supplement and extend its mechanism for fighting corruption in the executive and the police

GRECO recommends that the rules of ethics and the obligation to declare interests and assets be made applicable to the persons who work most closely with ministers, to the Secretary of State for Justice and to the Prince’s advisers. For all of the most senior posts in the executive, these rules need to be supplemented with better assessment of the integrity of appointees, greater transparency of their activity and more monitoring of compliance with the rules, as well as a system of penalties…

Council of EU Barometer reveals that 65% of citizens believe that high-level corruption cases are not sufficiently pursued, and only 30% think that government efforts to combat corruption are effective

Europeans remain doubtful about their national governments’ anti-corruption efforts, with 65% believing high-level corruption cases are inadequately pursued and only 30% finding government measures effective. Additionally, 68% of citizens view corruption as widespread in their Member States…

UNODC publishes Survey Report on Corruption in Nigeria, highlighting the patterns and trends

New report – “Corruption in Nigeria: Patterns and Trends” – is the third survey of perceptions of corruption among the Nigerian population and provides an analysis of corruption trends and the effectiveness of anti-corruption strategies in the country.

TI issues a Policy Paper on land corruption in West Africa, providing recommendations for the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to address this alarming issue

Research by Transparency International shows that nearly four out of five people in low-income countries consider corruption in the land sector a serious problem. Rural and poor women are especially vulnerable to land corruption and are also disproportionately exposed to other forms of corruption, such as sextortion, that are enabled by gender and social norms feeding inequality.

TI Brazil publishes The Wildlife Laundromat – How fraud, corruption and laundering drive wildlife trafficking

The report analyzes 18 cases and operations combating wildlife trafficking in various regions of the country.​​ It has found criminal organizations are using elaborate smuggling techniques, including fraud and corruption. Experts say these tactics are driving the trafficking of millions of live animals, animal parts and wildlife products…

OECD releases policy paper aiming to strengthen the capacities of law enforcement authorities in Asia and the Pacific to combat corruption and fraud during emergencies

The paper takes stock of the challenges law enforcement practitioners face in detecting, investigating and prosecuting corruption and fraud during emergencies, and highlights good practices and provides practical guidance for law enforcement.

US SEC charges activist short seller and the firm Citron Capital LLC, for engaging in a $20 million multi-year scheme to defraud followers by publishing false and misleading statements regarding his supposed stock trading recommendations

The SEC’s complaint alleges that Left, who resides in Boca Raton, Fl., used his Citron Research website and related social media platforms on at least 26 occasions to publicly recommend taking long or short positions in 23 companies and held out the positions as consistent with his own and Citron Capital’s positions…

CSW news: Anti-corruption groups urge increased investment in government agencies

UK anti-corruption organizations are calling on the government to step up its efforts by appointing a new anti-corruption champion and boosting funding for the NCA and SFO. The UK Anti-Corruption Coalition highlighted that the new Labour government has a unique opportunity to rebuild trust in institutions and democracy though it will require bold action…

GFI publishes new report titled “Illicit Financial Flows Risks Related to Beneficial Ownership in the Mining Sector in Kenya” 

The report examines the regulatory and legal framework governing Kenya’s mining industry and offers an in-depth exploration of the challenges and gaps in implementing and enforcing beneficial ownership in the country…

GRECO issues the Fourth Round Addendum to the Second Compliance Report on Germany, dealing with corruption prevention in respect of members of parliament, judges and prosecutors

GRECO recommended that the transparency of the parliamentary process be further
improved, e.g. by introducing rules for members of parliament on how to interact
with lobbyists and other third parties seeking to influence the parliamentary process.

Eurojust supports searches into bribery and money laundering involving the sale civilian and military equipment

A multinational company is being investigated for possible corruption and money laundering involving civilian and military equipment. French authorities have started multiple investigations into the company. The first investigation, opened at the end of 2016, concerns the sale of defence material and the construction of a naval base, around which there are suspicions of corruption…

FATF publishes horizontal review of gatekeepers’ technical compliance related to corruption

On the surface, the Horizontal Review shows positive results – over half of FATF members have scores over 80%. However, these results are less promising when one considers the context and materiality of the seven FATF members falling below the score of 50%. These jurisdictions represent more than half of the world’s GDP.