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Bribery & Corruption

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OECD new online portal for Public Integrity Indicators

The OECD Public Integrity Indicators establish a new benchmark for government resilience to corruption risks and for strengthening public integrity. Based on primary data sources and validated by countries, the Indicators help…

US Global ‘Summit for Democracy’

US holds global ‘Summit for Democracy’ defending against authoritarianism, combating corruption, and promoting respect for human rights. A second Summit will be held next year, in which the U.S. Govt intends to be in-person…

UNODC Global Report on Corruption in Sport

The Report breaks down an extensive range of issues, analysing the role of illegal betting, competition manipulation, abuse in sport, the susceptibility of major sporting events to corruption, and the involvement of organized crime, among others…

US Treasury sanctions on international anti-corruption day

Corruption thrives in the financial shadows-in shell corporations that disguise owners’ true identities, in offshore jurisdictions with lax anti-money laundering regulations, and in complex structures that allow the wealthy to hide their income from government authorities…

White House national strategy on countering corruption 

The Strategy outlines the approach to elevating the fight against corruption emphasizing on better understanding and responding to the threat’s transnational dimensions, including by taking additional steps to reduce the ability of corrupt actors to use the U.S. and…

Global Witness analysis on environmental risks from dam project 

Global Witness calls on dam builder PowerChina, and on banks that provide it with billions of dollars in financing, to push for review
of the Sombwe project due to environmental risks. The project comes against a backdrop of recent high-profile pledges on deforestation…

TI calls for foreign bribery investigations into Senegal’s lucrative oil deals

According to the reports, the controversial Romanian-Australian businessman Frank Timis allegedly bribed Senegalese officials in efforts to acquire access to lucrative oil and gas reserves under extremely favourable conditions…

GFI on US Private Investment and Public Harm

The report describes several cases emblematic of the national security and corruption risks posed by the private investment industry. Russian and Chinese interests have sought sensitive U.S. technology through private investment vehicles. The opaque nature of private equity…

HMRC issues briefing on their approach to tax fraud 

HMRC have issued a briefing explaining how they use a range of powers to tackle tax fraud – including building checks and controls into systems, changing legislation to make it more difficult or impossible to commit tax fraud and working with businesses to help them spot…

White House national plan to combat human trafficking

This updated National Action Plan reflects priority effort to end human trafficking and forced labor in global supply chains. COVID-19 made clear the need to secure our supply chains and make them more transparent and accountable, so that we can ensure uninterrupted…

FATF report on Turkey’s AML/CFT regime 

As per the report, Turkey still needs to fully implement its RBA focusing on preventing TF abuse, conduct further outreach and training as planned and work with NPOs to develop best practices on preventing TF abuse…



IDB debars Belgium engineering company for fraud and corruption

According to the IDB, Tractebel failed to disclose fees paid to agents and misrepresented the availability of an individual designated as “key personnel.” A Tractebel subcontractor also offered paid positions to former colleagues who were government officials.