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Bribery & Corruption

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GRECO releases fifth round evaluation report on Romania

Romania has developed an institutional and legal integrity framework to promote integrity and prevent corruption in the top executive functions of the central government and in the law enforcement agencies.  Nonetheless, the Government’s frequent use of emergency ordinances to legislate in exceptional cases is an issue of serious concern that the authorities should address as a matter of priority.

Transparency International publishes report on tackling grand corruption impunity

This working paper identifies special national and international measures that would increase accountability of grand corruption offenders and improve remedies for the harm they cause.

US DoS releases implementation plan for for the U.S. Strategy on Countering Corruption

This Implementation Plan articulates activities the Department is
undertaking to achieve the five pillars of the Strategy:

1. Modernizing, Coordinating, and Resourcing Efforts to Fight Corruption
2. Curbing Illicit Finance
3. Holding Corrupt Actors Accountable
4. Preserving and Strengthening the Multilateral Anti-Corruption
5. Improving Diplomatic Engagement and Leveraging Foreign Assistance
Resources to Advance Policy Goals

Transparency International blogs about personal data protection laws in the EU

Last year’s decision by the EU Court of Justice isn’t the last word on beneficial ownership transparency, personal data protection and privacy

GRECO publishes second 5th round compliance report for the UK

The report focuses on prevention of corruption amongst Top Executive Functions of Govt and Law Enforcement Agencies in the UK. It  concludes that the UK has now implemented satisfactorily or dealt satisfactorily with 7 of the 12 recommendations; 4 remain partly…

SFO Chief Capability Officer delivers keynote speech at 2023 Cambridge Symposium on Economic Crime

The speech highlighted the SFO’s achievements and key activities over the last five years under the directorship of Lisa Osofsky. These included 29 convictions, eight deferred prosecution agreements – worth over £1 billion to the UK taxpayer…

OCCRP receives documents that provide insight into allegations stock manipulation involving the Adani Group

Two men who secretly invested in the massive conglomerate turn out to have close ties to its majority owners, the Adani family, raising questions about violations of Indian law…

Executive Charged in International Oil and Gas Trading Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme

A federal grand jury in the District of Connecticut returned a superseding indictment charging a Connecticut-based oil and gas trader for his role in an alleged scheme to pay bribes to Brazilian officials to win contracts with Brazil’s state-owned and state-controlled energy company…

NCA brings bribery charges against former Nigerian oil minister

A former Nigerian minister has been charged with bribery offences following a NCA investigation who also served as president of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), was a key figure in the Nigerian government between 2010 and 2015…

US DoJ issues first FCPA Opinion Procedure Release of 2023

Guidance provided on the payment of travel and other expenses for foreign government officials.

GRECO releases Denmark’s Fourth Evaluation Round Third Interim Compliance Report

The report highlights deals with corruption prevention in respect of members of parliament, judges and prosecutors…

SEC awards more than $104 million to seven Whistleblowers

SEC announced payment of more than $104 million to seven whistleblowers who provided the SEC with information and assistance that led to successful enforcement actions by the SEC and another agency. The whistleblowers also provided relevant documents…