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Bribery & Corruption

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US SEC has charged three New Yorkers with raising over $184m through pre-IPO fraud schemes

SEC charges defendants with violating antifraud and federal securities laws, seeking permanent injunctive relief, return of gains, and civil penalties…

FinCen 2020 investigation into a Ukrainian oligarch’s property portfolio among 25 cases of allegedly gotten funds being funneled into the sector

A recent report by anti-corruption advocacy organizations reveals that over the past 20 years, at least $2.6billion of illicit or suspicious funds have been invested in commercial real estate in the US…

Transparency International announces the preparing for the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive

This report aids anti-corruption and ESG professionals in understanding corruption and bribery as sustainability matters, focusing on material impacts, risks, and opportunities in line with EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and and European Sustainability Reporting Standards…

Eurojust assists in uncovering a high-level corruption scheme

Fugitives with Red Notices, using bribes, seek asylum in Moldova and other countries attempting to block or delete them, and seeking information about their INTERPOL red notice to avoid detection…

Banking Drive: TD bank employee being accused of taking bribes in a new AML case

Banker Gerardo Aquino Vargas allegedly provided criminals with 28 debit cards in Florida, netting $5,600 in bribes and claiming lower rates than others for illegal services. Court documents reveal that Vargas allegedly unblocked two debit cards after TD froze them after identifying fraudulent ATM transactions in Colombia…

GFI proposes plan to dismantle the ‘Global financial secrecy system’

Daniel Calingaert argues that ‘the time has come to dismantle the four pillars of the global financial secrecy system—to (1) end corporate anonymity, (2) eliminate instruments of financial secrecy, (3) make enablers legally liable for complicity in corruption, and (4) insulate our financial system from secrecy jurisdictions.’

US DoJ announces ringleader and company insider admit to defrauding biochemical company and transferring products to China through falsified export documents

The US DoJ has declined to prosecute MilliporeSigma, citing factors in the Department’s Principles of Federal Prosecution of Business Organizations and the National Security Division Enforcement Policy for Business Organizations. The policy assumes companies self-disclose potential violations, cooperate, and remediate promptly, unless aggravating factors exist…

INTERPOL identifies anti-corruption action with the potential misuse of systems in Moldova

UK authorities have reported a cybercrime investigation involving corrupt Moldovan individuals suspected of passing information about Red Notices to wanted persons with INTERPOL actively cooperating with relevant jurisdictions. INTERPOL has implemented additional measures to ensure the suspected misuse is stopped and to prevent future occurrences…

FBI announces major worldwide disruption of malware in international cyber operation

The FBI has announced Operation Endgame, a multinational cyber operation involving the US, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK, with Europol and Eurojust’s assistance. FBI’s continued fight against cybercrime and malware-as-a-service models…

NCA charges businessman of bribing a foreign official into multi-million pound scheme to benefit PV Energy Ltd, the company he is a director of.

It is alleged that between January 2015 and July 2017, Virdee bribed Asot Michael, a Member of Parliament and Government Minister of Tourism, Economic Development Investment and Energy for Antigua and Barbuda, to benefit PV Energy Ltd, the company he is a director of,” the NCA said in a statement…

GRECO publishes Annual report for 2023, highlighting anti-corruption trends, challenges and good practices in EU and US

GRECO expresses concern about the slow implementation of its recommendations on preventing corruption among parliamentarians, compared to other professional groups. It also underlines that several judicial systems must be further reformed to guarantee the independence of judges and prosecutors, and to strengthen the integrity rules that are applied to them.

Basel Institute of Governance publishes annual report for 2023

Report features seven stories from Basel’s work around the world to promote good governance and counter corruption.