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RUSI discuss Hamas financing in new podcast series focusing on STRs

Host Stephen Reimer unpacks the key issues and debunks some common myths at the heart of the Hamas financing story with Jessica Davis of Insight Threat Intelligence and Matthew Levitt of The Washington Institute for Near East Policy.


FATF adds 3 countries to its “Black List” and 23 countries to its “Grey List”

FATF has added Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Iran and Myanmar to its black list and moved Bulgaria, UAE, Croatia, South Africa, Turkey among others to it grey list. 129 countries and jurisdictions were reviewed…

FATF publishes report on use of crowdfunding in terrorist financing

The report highlights good practices, starting with the inclusion of crowdfunding in national terrorist financing risk assessments, outreach to the crowdfunding sector, and strong domestic and international information sharing mechanisms.

FATF issues call to action to high-risk jurisdictions

Applies to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Iran and Myanmar.

World Bank issues report on lessons learned from the First Generation of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessments

This report aims to guide the policy makers in World Bank client jurisdictions in continuously improving their assessments and understandings of money laundering and terrorist financing risks in their jurisdictions. The report attempts to draw lessons mainly from…

Wolfsberg Group publishes updated Payment Transparency Standards

The challenges associated with payment transparency cannot be resolved solely by payment and compliance specialists within banks, but rather require agreement among all payments stakeholders – including competent authorities, the PMIs within their countries…

Wolfsberg Group responds to consultation on UK AML/CTF supervisory regime

Of the four models for reform outlined by HM Treasury, we believe that a public body Single Professional Services Supervisor (SPSS), i.e. ‘Model 3’, is best suited to address inconsistencies and systemic weaknesses in supervision, as it would: a. Enhance information sharing…

IMF calls for greater crypto oversight

IMF calls for greater oversight on crypto and proposes new risk assessment matrix. IMF released a working paper last week seeking to tackle the rapidly changing crypto market and highlight significant macro-financial risks they believe have yet to be fully addressed…

FATF updates consolidated assessment ratings

Provides an up-to-date overview of the ratings that assessed countries obtained for effectiveness and technical compliance (last updated on 27 September 2023).

Financial Stability Board identifies frictions from data frameworks that pose challenges to enhancing cross-border payments

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) today published its stocktake of international data standards relevant to cross-border payments. The stocktake looks at national and regional data frameworks relevant to the functioning, regulation and supervision of cross-border payment arrangements. It takes forward one of the priority actions under the G20 Cross-border Payments Roadmap, to enhance the interaction between data frameworks and cross-border payments.

FATF-INTERPOL announces details of their second global roundtable

Over 200 law enforcement, prosecutors, asset recovery, policy and regulatory experts, from both the public and private sectors, attended the two-day FATF-INTERPOL Roundtable Engagement (FIRE 2) to discuss asset recovery issues and practical solutions to deprive criminals of their illicit assets and contribute to a safer society.

UNODC releases report examining the Hawala service, sometimes referred to as the “underground banking” or “alternative remittance system”

Drug traffickers, migrant smugglers, and other criminal actors capitalize on characteristics of the system to transfer illicit funds and store proceeds from illegal activities. The report finds that hawaladars (individuals who operate Hawala services) often don’t scrutinise the source of funds or the purpose of transactions, making it an attractive option for those engaged in illegal activities.