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FSB on supervisory & regulatory approaches to climate-related risks

The objective of this report is to assist supervisory and regulatory authorities in developing their approaches to monitor, manage and mitigate risks arising from climate change and, in particular, to promote consistent approaches across sectors and jurisdictions…

FATF Report on the state of effectiveness & compliance

The report finds that countries have made huge progress in improving technical compliance by establishing and enacting a broad range of laws and regulations to better tackle money laundering, terrorist and proliferation financing…

FATF on risk-based guidance to the real estate sector 

The purpose of the Guidance is to support the implementation of FATF standards for the real estate sector, including residential and commercial real-estate and indicate good practices in the design and implementation…

FATF Ministers decisive action against ML TF and proliferation financing

The Ministers of the FATF members committed to take swift and decisive action to improve the effectiveness of measures to fight money laundering, terrorist and proliferation financing at their meeting in Washington D.C. today.

ICIJ reveals more than 800 Russians behind secret companies

ICIJ reveals more than 800 Russians behind secret companies in landmark expansion of public offshore database. The Offshore Leaks Database spotlights vital new information on the covert financial activities of oligarchs, bankers and politicians as waves of Western…

UNODC on Ukraine’s conflict on drug demand & supply

Seizure data suggest that heroin trafficking through Ukraine has been slowly increasing since the turn of the century, with some larger
quantities seized after 2015. Heroin transiting Ukraine is often smuggled from Afghanistan…

Wolfsberg Guidance on digital customer lifecycle risk management 

The Guidance on Digital Customer Lifecycle Risk Management explores how non-face to-face digital engagement could be considered a standard, or even lower risk channel for an FI by further developing three core AML/CTF controls…

NED Global Insights on reputation laundering

Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine has forced democracies to reexamine how their own institutions have been used by kleptocratic regimes and oligarchs seeking to launder and protect their illicit gains. While much of the focus on combating transnational kleptocracy…

UK ML/TF (High-Risk Countries) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (No. 393)

On the new list, Zimbabwe is no longer classed as a high-risk third country for the purposes of enhanced customer due diligence requirements in regulation 33(3). United Arab Emirates is now classed as a high-risk third country…

UNODC draft proposals relating to illicit drugs

UNODC publishes draft proposals relating to illicit drugs, e.g, Promoting alternative development as a development-oriented drug control strategy, taking into account measures to protect the environment, Strengthening international cooperation in preventing…

OECD on Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework

OECD released a public consultation document concerning a new global tax transparency framework to provide for the reporting and exchange of information with respect to crypto-assets, as well as proposed amendments to the CRS for the automatic exchange…

OCCRP analysis of leaked records on Credit Suisse accounts

Despite two decades of pledges by Credit Suisse to crack down on illegitimate funds, data leaked from the bank reveals that it catered to dozens of criminals, dictators, intelligence officials, sanctioned parties and political actors with outsized wealth…