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The 6th FATF Plenary chaired by President T. Raja Kumar will take place in Singapore on 26-28 June and will conclude FATF Week which starts on 23 June

Delegates will discuss key issues including modifications to its assessment methodology to reflect revisions to the FATF Standards in order to further enhance asset recovery and international co-operation frameworks and more effectively deprive criminals of the proceeds of crime. They will also discuss prioritisation criteria for reviewing countries with strategic deficiencies in their AML/CFT regimes (i.e., FATF’s “black or grey listing”). Delegates will also discuss the progress made by some jurisdictions identified as presenting a risk to the global financial system, as well as mutual evaluation reports for India and Kuwait.

Wolfsberg Group responds to the UK’s HMT Consultation on the MLRs, addressing how to make CDD more proportionate and effective, and strengthening system coordination

This consultation is part of a broader initiative under the Economic Crime Plan 2023-26. Our response addresses two core themes of the consultation: making customer due diligence more proportionate and effective, and strengthening system coordination. We welcome the opportunity to contribute to these crucial discussions, aiming to increase the effectiveness and proportionality of the regulations for both regulated firms and their customers, thereby supporting the ongoing fight against economic crime….



ICIJ highlights how the IRS went soft on billionaires and corporate tax cheats

Newly obtained data shows the IRS division that audits corporations and the ultrarich flagged no more than 22 possible tax crimes over the past five years — roughly 40 times fewer criminal referrals than from the unit covering small businesses…

The World Bank has debarred Marseille for Engineering & Trading S.A.L. offshore for allegedly offering improper payments

Marseille will be excluded from World Bank-financed operations and projects during the debarment period due to its misconduct and compliance obligations. The company will implement an integrity compliance program and cooperate with World Bank investigators…

Global Initiative releases report on ‘Measuring the scope and scale of wildlife crime’

FINCEN to issue its year in review for fiscal year 2023

FinCEN released its year in review for Fiscal Year 2023, providing insights into the collection and use of Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) data, its efforts to support law enforcement and national security agencies, and its analysis for alerts, trend analyses, and regulatory actions, in line with Section 6201 of the AML Act of 2020…

Global Initiative analyses Germany’s increased efforts to combat increasing organised crime

Cocaine seizures at ports in Germany and across Europe have increased dramatically in recent years (seizures in the port of Hamburg, for example, have tripled since 2019). But there is little doubt that such seizures only scratch the surface of the problem. The law enforcement operation against messaging service EncroChat also brought to light the scale and sophistication of the cocaine business in Hamburg…

INTERPOL reveals an alarming rise of tech-enabled financial fraud assessment targeting victims globally

A recent Interpol assessment on global financial fraud emphasises how organised crime groups are leveraging advanced technology to more effectively target victims. The report identifies the most common types of global financial fraud as investment fraud, advance payment fraud, romance fraud, and business email compromise. Key technological tools being exploited include AI, large language models, and cryptocurrencies…

EU and UNODC enhance cooperation to address increasing organised crime and violence within and beyond the EU

The key areas addressed were migrant smuggling, trafficking in human beings, illicit financial flows, critical infrastructure protection and illegalities associated with critical raw materials’ supply chains.

FATF releases procedures for AML/CFT/CPF Mutual Evaluations, Follow-Up and International Co-operation Review Group (ICRG)

Mutual evaluations based on the 2023 Methodology will be a six-year cycle. The shorter cycle, greater scrutiny and strong follow-up mechanisms will ensure that governments stay focused on taking effective action to detect, prevent and punish money laundering, terrorist financing and the financing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Global Initiative publishes research report on ‘A changing landscape: China’s new model of global governance and its impact on the fight against organised crime’

The findings of this report, within the context of a growing body of evidence, suggest that use of the term ‘geocriminality’, may be useful in explanation and conceptualization of state-crime nexus phenomena. The term here refers to a state’s use of criminal actors to achieve objectives in target countries, in the same way as the term geoeconomics…

Visa announces Generative AI-Powered fraud solution to combat account attacks

VISA announced updates to its Visa Account Attack Intelligence (VAAI) offering with the addition of the VAAI Score, a new tool that uses generative AI components to identify and score enumeration attacks. The VAAI Score, which will be available to U.S. issuers first, will help reduce fraud and operational losses by assigning each transaction with a risk score in real time to detect and prevent enumeration attacks in card-not-present (CNP) transactions…