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Reuters: US House has passed a republican bill to sanction the international criminal court over Israel

The measure, despite not being a law, reflects Congress’s continued support for Israel amid international criticism over its Gaza campaign. The bill, aimed at imposing sanctions on individuals involved in ICC prosecutions of Americans allies not ICC members, including Israel is unlikely to pass in the Senate…

Financial Times: US seeks EU sanctions guarantee to back $50bn Ukraine loan

The US is prepared to provide a $50bn loan to Ukraine, repaid by profits from frozen Russian assets, if the EU can extend sanctions against Moscow, ensuring repayments. The US demands the EU to extend its sanctions on Russian state assets until the end of the war to avoid being obligated for repayments…

AML Intelligence: AI can assist in addressing machine learning and reducing transaction costs but carries significant risks.

Janet Yellen, secretary stated that the US treasury department is in regular communication with regulators about the use of AI to mitigate illicit finance risks, including ML and terrorist financing…

Insight Crime: Mexico’s presidential candidates are proposing vague security measures that fail to tackle the intricate nature of organized crime in the country

Criminal groups maintain control over territories and social spaces, despite government pressure. They have advanced drug trafficking and money laundering operations, while others engage in predatory practices…

BBC: Fake Olympics and Taylor Swift tickets are the two biggest online scams that are fuelling fraud

The abuse of online platforms continued to leave people vulnerable as the criminals stole £1.17bn in 2023, down 4% from 2022. It called on tech companies to do more to help stop the scams. Consumers lost £86m last year to purchase scams, in which they agreed to pay for something that never materialised, The alert came as the banking lobby group reported that the number of people tricked by romance fraud and purchase scams jumped to new highs last year…

Reuters: Italian police uncovers billion-euro tax credit scam

Italian police uncovered a billion-euro scam to obtain illegal tax credits from government incentives that were meant to encourage home renovations. Finance Police (GdF) in the northwestern town of Savona said they had placed 311 people under investigation and seized tax credits worth one billion euros ($1.09 billion) after searching 85 companies in 10 Italian regions…

Apple: App Store stopped over $7 billion in potentially fraudulent transactions in four years

Apple’s antifraud initiatives have grown over the years as digital threats have grown in scale and complexity. To help protect its users, Apple monitors and investigates fraud on the App Store every day, and uses advanced tools and technologies to identify bad aliments and strengthen the ecosystem. It rejected more than 1.7m app submissions for failing to meet the App Store’s stringent standards for privacy, security, and content…

Swissinfo Ch: Switzerland plans to introduce a flight passenger database from 2026 to collect and process personal data in a bid to combat terrorism and serious crime

Switzerland plans to introduce a flight passenger database from 2026 to collect and process personal data in a bid to combat terrorism and serious crime. The government has sent a related bill to parliament…

Reuters: North Korea laundered $147.5m through virtual currency platform Tornado Cash after stealing it from a cryptocurrency exchange

The monitors informed the sanctions committee of the U.N. Security Council had been looking into 97 alleged North Korean cyberattacks on cryptocurrency companies between 2017 and 2024, with a total estimated value of about $3.6 billion. The committee included an attack that occurred late last year in which the cryptocurrency exchange HTX saw $147.5 million taken before it was laundered in March of this year…



The Insider: Behind enemy lines – The French Riviera still welcomes Russian politicians and oligarchs

EU sanctions require consensus among all member states, complicating their implementation. However, each individual country, France included, retains the freedom to institute national blacklists. Despite president Emmanuel Macron’s recently assertive stance about the possibility of sending ground troops to Ukraine, his government continues to afford many Kremlin-connected members of Russia’s economic elite the privilege of living and doing business in France…

AML Intelligence: Former bank employee suspected of recruiting 40 money mules for ‘Black Axe’ industrial fraud gang

The suspect, aged in his 20s, was working for a well known bank within the EU when police identified him. Detectives allege he recruited around 40 money mules for the criminal organisation and was allegedly involved in withdrawing money from some of these accounts.

Reuters: FATF visits Turkey ahead of ‘grey-list’ decision

The onsite visit, which was not publicised by Turkey’s progress in curbing the money laundering and terrorist financing concerns that  prompted the downgrade in 2021. Turkey’s treasury and central bank did not immediately respond to requests for comments on the matter. The FATF said that they made an initial determination that the country has substantially completed its action plan and warrants as well as the on-site assessment…