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FCA to review how banks treat politically exposed persons (PEPs)

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt was refused a bank account with Monzo last year, which the chancellor said was an example of the “barriers” faced by people wanting to work in public life. He said he believed he was denied the account before he became chancellor because he was a PEP…

RBI amends its Master Direction on KYC to strengthen CDD and risk-based monitoring requirements for regulated entities

The amendments, which came into effect on May 10, 2023, are aimed at preventing ML and TF. The key changes to the MD on KYC include: Enhanced CDD requirements: REs will now be required to conduct enhanced CDD for high-risk customers, including (PEPs) and those who…

Sweden mulls higher penalties for Money Laundering Act breaches

Swedish lawmakers will consider a proposal to increase penalty fees for gambling operators that breach the country’s Money Laundering Act. The proposal provides better opportunities to combat criminal activity in connection with gambling including proposals for a…

Firms should invest in KYC & model “good” customer transactions to reduce pile-up of monitoring alerts

Many firms’ pivot to digital on-boarding has prioritized speed over collecting enough information to determine whether transactions are suspicious. Experts say it has created an inefficient, expensive process where AML analysts are sifting through thousands of alerts looking…

Herald Scotland: How hundreds of foreign property owners stayed hidden in Scotland

A “loophole” in new legislation means more than half of the offshore entities which own hundreds of Scottish properties including estates, forests and castles are allowed to remain secret…

The New Republic: Washington Isn’t Falling for the Crypto Industry’s Scam

SEC announced charges against the two largest crypto exchanges, Coinbase and Binance, for violating federal securities laws. The SEC alleges that the two companies were operating unregistered securities exchanges and hawking unregistered securities…

HKMA publishes AML Regtech: Network Analytics report

HKMA has commenced a pilot using network analytics to detect mule account networks and help disrupt movement of fraud proceeds. This exercise will, for the first time, analyse information from multiple banks to generate sector-level risk insights to help assess…

UK Government proposals on gambling finally expected to be published

The long-awaited gambling White Paper setting out Government proposals to make regulation of the sector “fit for the digital age” is expected to be published. The paper it will include plans for affordability checks and the introduction of a statutory levy on gambling…

MAS refutes claims that it had issued a directive to Singaporean banks to keep quiet

MAS had issued a “tacit directive” to banks, instructing them to avoid discussing the sources of wealth inflows  it has not instructed banks to “keep quiet” about the origins of wealth inflows into Singapore…

FINMA says Credit Suisse could face disciplinary action

Credit Suisse could face a probe and disciplinary action over how top managers ran the bank in the run-up to its collapse and takeover by UBS. Marlene Amstad, president of the Swiss regulator Finma, told the newspaper NZZ am Sonntag, according to Bloomberg…

AUSTRAC accepts Enforceable Undertaking from PayPal Australia Pty Ltd

The enforceable undertaking aims to ensure PayPal’s ongoing compliance with their AML/CTF obligations. It comes after AUSTRAC identified concerns with PayPal’s systems, controls and governance in relation to its international funds transfer instructions (IFTI) reporting…

ESAAMLG publishes report on illicit dealings in gold, diamond and rubies and related ML/TF

The report includes a list of risk indicators and case studies that can help the concerned institutions in the ESAAMLG Region to identify and investigate illicit activities in the precious stones and metals markets, and also highlights the importance of rapidly identifying…