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OECD issues Resource Guide on State measures for strengthening business integrity in the private sector

This Resource Guide provides States with a framework for identifying and implementing an appropriate mix of sanctions and incentives for encouraging business integrity. It reflects the latest developments in the global anti-corruption landscape and contains case studies that serve to share information and practices and provide inspiration to States and the private sector…

OECD Phase 4 report highlights that Luxembourg should build upon recent achievements in the fight against foreign bribery by substantially strengthening enforcement efforts and resources

The report expresses concerns regarding Luxembourg’s efforts to implement the Convention and to actively investigate and prosecute foreign bribery cases and calls on Luxembourg to better identify the foreign bribery risks to which its companies are exposed…

GRECO publishes Second Addendum to the 2nd Compliance Report of 4th Evaluation Round of Italy

GRECO concludes that Italy has implemented satisfactorily or dealt with in a satisfactory manner six of the twelve recommendations contained in the Fourth Round Evaluation Report.

GRECO issues the fifth evaluation round second compliance report on Malta

The report highlights that only four out of 23 recommendations have been implemented. Malta has failed to lay down rules governing contacts between top officials and lobbyists trying to influence decision-making and has not addressed requirements for top executives to declare conflicts of interest.

GRECO calls on Czechia to improve the effectiveness of its system to promote integrity and prevent corruption in government and the police

In its evaluation report, GRECO notes that Czechia has a robust legal framework to combat corruption in respect of top executive functions, but that too little focus is placed on guidance and training, as well as on supervision and enforcement of anti-corruption rules.

Europol collaborates with Spanish authorities in arresting 53 criminal organisation members for €2 million sports betting corruption

Europol Supports Spanish Police in Arresting 53 Suspects for Sports Betting Fraud Across 20 Countries, uncovering EUR 2 Million Scheme. Operation also uncovers sophisticated livestream manipulation and ML scheme…

EU Parliament publishes report on combating corruption, replacing Council Framework Decision 2003/568/JHA and the Convention on the fight against corruption involving EU officials

This legislative proposal will update the EU legislative framework, including by incorporating international standards binding on the EU, such as those in the UNCAC. The aim is to ensure that all forms of corruption are criminalised in all Member States, that legal persons may also be held responsible for such offences, and that offences incur effective, proportionate and dissuasive penalties.

European Parliament MEPs push for stricter EU-wide measures and penalties on anti-corruption

MEPs amended the draft anti-corruption provisions to cover more persons of interest, requesting the inclusion of “high-level officials”, military officials, senior executives of state-owned corporations, and managing officials of political parties represented in a parliament.

GRECO publishes Fourth Evaluation Round Addendum to the Second compliance Report on Ireland

Notes that concrete steps have been taken in reviewing the ethics and public office legislation and that a Bill is underway to reduce the Government’s discretion in the matter of judicial appointments.

GRECO releases its Fourth Evaluation Round Second Addendum to the 2nd Compliance Report on France

GRECO concludes that the level of implementation remains the same as in the previous report. France has implemented or dealt with in a satisfactory manner six of the eleven recommendations in the Fourth Round Evaluation Report.

OCCRP on massive fake sneaker ring taken down in Spain, arresting 7 individuals

Spanish police have dismantled an organised crime syndicate, arresting 7 individuals dedicated to the distribution of counterfeit sneakers in Spain. Those arrested were accused of crimes against intellectual property  occurring when someone sells and/or distributes counterfeit goods protected by copyright or brand name, such as sneakers and smuggling…


GRECO publishes third Interim compliance report, following the fourth evaluation round on Portugal

Concludes that Portugal has made limited progress in connection with the fulfilment of recommendations found to be not implemented or partly implemented; only three of the fifteen recommendations have beenimplemented satisfactorily or dealt with in a satisfactory manner.