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TI publishes report examining the protection of whistleblowers in the EU

The report assesses the effectiveness of whistleblower protection measures in EU countries evaluating the legal frameworks and practices in place. It highlights that 19 of the 20 countries reviewed do not comply with the EU Whistleblower Protection Directive…

OECD Working Group on Bribery urges Czechia to adopt legislation to ensure the protection of prosecutorial independence from improper political influence

The Working Group urges Czechia to seize opportunity to introduce meaningful safeguards to protect prosecutorial independence.

EU Commission publishes summary of the findings of GRECO’s Fifth Mutual Evaluation of North Macedonia

Finds that the country has made some improvements in the fight against organised crime, but notes that political polarisation has stood in the way of some political reforms.

GRECO publishes second compliance report on North Macedonia

Follows the fifth evaluation round dealing with preventing corruption and promoting integrity in the central government (top executive functions) and law enforcement agencies. 

GRECO publishes second compliance report on the Netherlands

GRECO concludes that the Netherlands have satisfactorily implemented seven of the sixteen recommendations contained in the Fifth Round Evaluation Report. Seven recommendations have been partly implemented and two have not been implemented

EU Commission launches consultation on ESG regulation

The EC has paved the way for a potential overhaul of its sustainable financial disclosure regulation in an effort to make the rules a more effective tool to combat greenwashing. The SFDR requires financial market participants and advisers to tell investors…

GRECO publishes Fifth Evaluation Report on Cyprus

Calls on Cyprus to pursue its efforts to prevent corruption in respect of persons with top executive functions and as regards the personnel of the Cyprus Police.

GRECO releases fifth round evaluation report on Romania

Romania has developed an institutional and legal integrity framework to promote integrity and prevent corruption in the top executive functions of the central government and in the law enforcement agencies.  Nonetheless, the Government’s frequent use of emergency ordinances to legislate in exceptional cases is an issue of serious concern that the authorities should address as a matter of priority.

Transparency International blogs about personal data protection laws in the EU

Last year’s decision by the EU Court of Justice isn’t the last word on beneficial ownership transparency, personal data protection and privacy

GRECO publishes second 5th round compliance report for the UK

The report focuses on prevention of corruption amongst Top Executive Functions of Govt and Law Enforcement Agencies in the UK. It  concludes that the UK has now implemented satisfactorily or dealt satisfactorily with 7 of the 12 recommendations; 4 remain partly…

GRECO releases Denmark’s Fourth Evaluation Round Third Interim Compliance Report

The report highlights deals with corruption prevention in respect of members of parliament, judges and prosecutors…

GRECO publishes two compliance reports on Poland

Reports are: 5th Round second Compliance Report on preventing corruption and promoting integrity in the central government and law enforcement agencies and the 4th Round 2nd Interim Compliance report including Rule 34 on Corruption prevention in respect of members of parliament, judges and prosecutors.