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US DOJ issues first-ever declination to prosecute a company that self-disclosed possible sanctions or export violations

US DoJ decided not to prosecute MillporeSigma due to factors such as voluntary self-disclosure of potential export control violations, full cooperation with investigators, and timely remediation of the alleged misconduct. These factors allowed law enforcement to identify culpable individuals, disrupt the scheme, seize illegal shipments, establish probable cause, and obtain guilty pleas from key participants…

AML Intelligence: AI can assist in addressing machine learning and reducing transaction costs but carries significant risks.

Janet Yellen, secretary stated that the US treasury department is in regular communication with regulators about the use of AI to mitigate illicit finance risks, including ML and terrorist financing…

FBI warning to the public to be cautious of scammers who pretend to be FBI agents and other government officials

Federal agencies do not send threats or money via phone or email. Scammers often spoof caller ID information, making them fraudulent. Government impersonation scams use intimidation tactics, using an aggressive tone and urging victims not to share information with others…

US DoJ announced the repatriation of an additional $156m in misappropriation of 1MDB funds to Malaysia, totalling about $1.4b returned

Court documents reveal that 1MDB funds were laundered through major financial institutions globally, including in the US, Switzerland, Singapore, and Luxembourg. From 2009 to 2015, senior officials and associates allegedly embezzled over $4.5 billion via international ML. Some of these funds were reportedly used for bribes…

US Treasury releases first ever non-fungible token illicit finance risk assessment

Explores how vulnerabilities associated with NFTs and NFT platforms may be exploited by illicit actors for money laundering, terrorist financing, and proliferation financing.

US Treasury publishes its National Illicit Finance Strategy 2024, highlighting recent reforms to close loopholes exploited by illicit actors

The 2024 Strategy addresses key illicit finance threats related to large-scale fraud schemes, attacks, an opioid-driven overdose epidemic, foreign and domestic terrorist attacks, corruption, and illicit exploitation of technological advances in payments and financial products and services. The details show how the United States will function on the efforts to modernize the U.S. AML/CFT regime, enhance operational effectiveness in combating illicit actors, and embrace technological innovation to mitigate risks…

US SEC and FinCEN jointly propose new AML rules for fund advisers to establish, document, and maintain written customer identification programs

FinCEN suggested that investment advisers implement AML policies and encourage real estate experts to report questionable transactions. The new regulation is applicable to investment advisors and fund advisers that are registered with the SEC but are not required to register because of the type and volume of money they manage for their clients…


US Treasury launches new public-private FinCEN exchange series to fight fentanyl trafficking

At these exchanges, federal officials brief on information critical to tracking illicit financial flows associated with the opioid epidemic, including typologies and red-flag indicators of fentanyl-related activity, and discuss what types of information are particularly valuable when financial institutions report suspicious activity.

US DEA releases 2024 National Drug Threat Assessment, evaluating illicit drug threats and trafficking trends that pose a danger to the US

The shift from plant-based drugs, like heroin and cocaine, to synthetic, chemical-based drugs, like fentanyl and methamphetamine, has resulted in the most dangerous and deadly drug crisis the United States has ever faced,” said DEA Administrator…

US DoJ arrests an Indian national pleaded guilty for fraud conspiracy for stealing over $37m from a coinbase website

Tomar and his accomplices initiated a scheme to pilfer millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency from hundreds of victims across the globe and the US. Tomar and his accomplices spoofing the Coinbase website carried out the scam…

US DoJ charges two foreign nationals for laundering at least $73m through shell companies tied to cryptocurrency investment scams

Co-conspirators claim that the defendants gave them instructions to open US bank accounts under the guise of shell corporations. Online deception was used to trick victims into depositing money into these accounts, which were subsequently used to launder money from bank accounts in the Bahamas to US. financial institutions…



US DoJ convicts two brothers for attacking Ethereum blockchain and stealing $25m in cryptocurrency to commit ML

The Peraire-Bueno brothers allegedly stole $25m in Ethereum cryptocurrency through a highly advanced, technologically complex scheme that they planned for months and carried out in a matter of seconds. Regretfully, the accused were unable to stand up against the US DoJ prosecutors and IRS agents, who successfully exposed this unprecedented wire fraud and ML operation…