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Human traffickers: more digital and highly adaptable

More digitalised than ever, migrant smugglers and human traffickers abuse social media platforms, mobile applications and encrypted communication tools to offer their illegal services, organise their logistics and secure their profits…

Europol large-scale action against human trafficking

Europol supported large-scale international action against trafficking in human beings. 29 countries, led by Austria and Romania, took part in the action days, which were coordinated by Europol and Frontex….

Home Office 2021 UK annual report on Modern Slavery

The report covers key developments across the UK in modern slavery in the period Oct 2020-end of Sept 2021. The most common forms of exploitation reported were labour exploitation for adults and criminal exploitation for minors…

US Treasury expands Syria NGO General License

OFAC amended existing rules called the Syrian Sanctions Regulations to expand the authorizations for NGOs to engage in certain transactions and activities. It also amended a general license for NGOs to enable them to take part in additional transactions and activities…

Home Office on Modern slavery statement registry

The Home Office launched a modern slavery statement registry online, to provide a platform for organisations to share the positive steps they have taken to tackle and prevent modern slavery to enhance transparency and accessibility, by bringing modern slavery …

US National Human Trafficking Prevention month

The US President has dedicated the month to raise awareness about human trafficking and to educate the public about how to identify and prevent this crime. Traffickers often take advantage of instability caused by natural disasters, conflict, or a pandemic…