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IMF public procurement corruption & the price impact

IMF assesses vulnerabilities to corruption on public procurement and the impact on prices, using large databases on Govt contracts and tenders and analyze how price differential in public procurement contracts can be explained by corruption risk factor…


Transparency International Annual Report 2021

TI edged closer to ending secretive corporate structures, took the fight against corruption to the global stage, exposed how corruption is crippling lifesaving COVID-19 responses, made protecting anti-corruption activists…

Global Witness publishes Annual report 2020

Global Witness campaigns on (i) Ending corporate corruption and improving governance in the natural resources sector (ii) Ending corporate complicity in environmental and human rights abuses (iii) Ending the growth of gas…

OCCRP: Credit Suisse and Venezuela’s Toxic Bond Market

OCCRP uncovers ties between Credit Suisse and numerous actors involved in a complex currency-swapping trade known as the permuta market. Many were implicated in highly lucrative yet illegal securities-related schemes…

OECD on Implementing the Anti-Bribery Convention

OECD details Greece’s progress in respect to implementation and enforcement of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention. It also explores issues such as detection, enforcement, corporate liability and international co-operation…

Global Witness investigation on Facebook ads containing hate speech

Global Witness investigations shows Facebook approves ads containing hate speech inciting genocide against the Rohingya. This investigation comes at a time when Facebook is facing legal action in the US and UK accusing the company of negligence that facilitated the…

OECD report on the regulation of lobbying in Quebec

This report provides an analysis of the framework in place to strengthen the transparency and integrity of lobbying in Quebec, Canada and assesses the reform project proposed by the Commissioner of Lobbying in 2019, by benchmarking it against the OECD Recommendation…

OECD data on enforcement of Anti-Bribery Convention

The 2020 data distinguish foreign bribery from other related offences covered by the Convention, in particular accounting misconduct and money laundering related to the bribery of foreign public officials…

OECD Anti-Bribery Recommendation 2021

The OECD Anti-Bribery Convention establishes legally binding standards to criminalise bribery of foreign public officials in international business transactions, and provides a host of measures to make this effective.

OECD new online portal for Public Integrity Indicators

The OECD Public Integrity Indicators establish a new benchmark for government resilience to corruption risks and for strengthening public integrity. Based on primary data sources and validated by countries, the Indicators help…

UNODC Global Report on Corruption in Sport

The Report breaks down an extensive range of issues, analysing the role of illegal betting, competition manipulation, abuse in sport, the susceptibility of major sporting events to corruption, and the involvement of organized crime, among others…

FATF report on Turkey’s AML/CFT regime 

As per the report, Turkey still needs to fully implement its RBA focusing on preventing TF abuse, conduct further outreach and training as planned and work with NPOs to develop best practices on preventing TF abuse…

