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US DoS releases 2024 Annual Trafficking in Persons Report providing the most comprehensive assessment of human trafficking worldwide and highlights global efforts to combat it

Digital tools have amplified the reach, scale, and speed of trafficking. Perpetrators use dating apps and online ads to recruit victims.  They use online platforms to sell illicit sexual content.  They leverage encrypted messaging and digital currencies to evade detection…

FinCEN sees increase in BSA reporting involving the use of Convertible Virtual Currency (CVC) for Online Child Sexual Exploitation (OCSE) and human trafficking

Latest Financial Trend Analysis (FTA) aims to combat human trafficking as well as the illicit uses of CVC, given the total number of OCSE- and human trafficking-related BSA reports involving CVC increased from 336 in 2020 to 1,975 in 2021

US DoJ press release on money laundering in prolific human smuggling network takedown

The accused allegedly recruited and used straw persons to accept human smuggling proceeds in their bank accounts and then transferred these proceeds to the leaders under the pretense of “work” payments for construction. The superseding indictment also notices…

FinCEN Exchange in San Antonio brings together public and private stakeholders to combat fentanyl trafficking and human smuggling

Included discussions on FinCEN’s analysis of suspicious activity reporting related to fentanyl and its precursor chemicals, presentations from law enforcement highlighting the investigative and operational uses of Bank Secrecy Act filings, and presentations from financial institutions on their monitoring and detection of illicit financial transactions related to fentanyl and human smuggling.

US DoS Country Reports on Human Trafficking

The reports paint a clear picture of where human rights and democracy are under threat. They highlight where governments have unjustly jailed, tortured, or even killed political opponents, activists, human rights defenders…

US Treasury expands Syria NGO General License

OFAC amended existing rules called the Syrian Sanctions Regulations to expand the authorizations for NGOs to engage in certain transactions and activities. It also amended a general license for NGOs to enable them to take part in additional transactions and activities…

US National Human Trafficking Prevention month

The US President has dedicated the month to raise awareness about human trafficking and to educate the public about how to identify and prevent this crime. Traffickers often take advantage of instability caused by natural disasters, conflict, or a pandemic…