Thomas Altenbach


Dr Thomas Altenbach is a compliance expert with a passion for integrity and innovation. As a lawyer in international groups‘ top management and as an advisor to medium-sized companies, he gained a reputation as one of the most sought-after compliance specialists and was a member of a UN expert group. He is as familiar with complex issues of international corporate law, compliance and corporate liability as he is with corporate objectives, resource planning, innovation and the financial viability of medium-sized companies.

In numerous companies, he has personally experienced how the introduction of a whistleblower solution has helped to increase transparency and reduce breaches of law. Driven by the desire to make this possibility accessible to SMEs, he founded LegalTegrity, the digital whistleblowing solution that considers the specific needs and requirements of SMEs. The whistleblowing solution without IT-implementation – easy, reliable and 100% secure.






Thomas Altenbach
CEO & Founder