Pierre Allegret


Pierre Allegret is the head of the Fight against financial crime and international sanctions office at the French Ministry for Economy, Finance and industrial and digital Sovereignty. His office is in charge of the implementation of international sanctions, as the national competent authority. His office is also in charge of AML-CFT regulation, at national level as well as in EU and international negotiations. Pierre Allegret is the head of the French delegation to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

Prior to his current role, Pierre Allegret held other positions at the French Treasury, relating to trade policy and to economic relations with countries from Asia and Americas. Between 2012 and 2018, Pierre Allegret worked in the areas of supervision and regulation of the insurance sector, at the French supervisory authority ACPR and then with the European Commission (DG FISMA).






Pierre Allegret
Head of the Fight Against FC,
International Sanctions Office
French Treasury