Nick Mays
Nick joined Western Union from the National Terrorist Financial Investigation Unit (NTFIU), which forms part of the Metropolitan Police Counter-Terrorism Command. He currently heads Western Union’s Law Enforcement Outreach programme in the UK. He works collaboratively with a multitude of external stakeholders from within the public, private and NGO sectors and represents Western Union on the Joint Money laundering Intelligence Taskforce (JMLIT).
Leading Western Union’s anti-Human Trafficking initiatives in the UK, he is working with Stop The Traffik (STT), a long-standing partner NGO of Western Union. STT have partnered with IBM, financial institutions (including Western Union), NGOs and law enforcement agencies to adopt a multi-agency approach to tackling the exploitation and trafficking of people.
Nick also represents Western Union on the Illegal Wildlife Trade Financial Taskforce and works collaboratively with other financial institutions to identify and disrupt illicit financial flows, as well as recognizing and responding to convergences with other crime types, including Human Trafficking.
Nick Mays
Head of Law Enforcement Outreach & Investigations
Western Union