Kevin Newe
Kevin joined HMRC in 2006 with early roles in corporate functions. A 2008 secondment to the Serious Organised Crime Agency was Kevin’s first experience of the importance of tackling criminal finances, including assessment work on how money moves within MSHT networks.
On his return to HMRC in 2010, Kevin took up a Criminal Finances policy role, dealing with operational queries on the use of POCA. In 2014 Kevin took up an operational post, managing approximately 90 financial investigators and financial intelligence officers, delivering multi-million-pound confiscation and cash forfeiture work. In January 2018 Kevin was promoted to lead on Criminal Finances strategy, resulting in the development of HMRC’s new approach to domestic and international illicit financial flows linked to tax evasion, and those that move through HMRC’s supervised businesses. Kevin is a trained FATF assessor and was the law enforcement lead for the UAE’s recent Mutual Evaluation Review.
Kevin Newe
Illicit Finances Threat lead, Fraud Investigation Service
EC Strategy Unit, HMRC