Jon May
Jon is the CEO of JJC and co-founded the firm in 2017 to build a business that offers digital AML/Reg/Tax compliance solutions and advice to financial services firms, FinTech, investment firms, trade bodies, crypto and real estate.
Prior to JJC, Jon was the CEO of the industry AML utility, and Global Head of Compliance and Regulatory Managed Services at IHSMarkit (now S&P). He spent 11.5 years at Goldman Sachs where he co-sponsored the transformation of the bank’s AML/KYC strategy and was the Managing Director globally responsible for the front to back KYC/CLM, Client Data and Ready to Trade organisations. Jon spent 2.5 years at GS in India, where in addition to the above, he also ran over 50% of the bank’s Securities Operations from Trade Middle Office, Clearing through to Ledger Control.
Jon May
CEO & Co-Founder &
previously at Goldman Sachs